楊明蒼2006-07-252018-05-292006-07-252018-05-292001-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/10105This study explores the complexities of literary and cultural translation in Chaucer’s longest completed poem Troilus and Criseyde. While mostly assuming the role of translator, the narrator/poet occasionally speaks with the authority of an author, thereby pointing to the intricate continuum of translation and vernacular writing in the poem. In the Middle Ages translation echoes the Roman theories of translation in which the faculty of invention and the agonistic motive of eloquence are the major concerns. This rhetorical model of translation in terms of continuity and rupture provides a literary/cultural analogue for a writer like Chaucer, for the discovery of one’s own literary language through translation carries within it re-inventive implications. Besides the narrator’s double role as translator and author, the major characters in the poem also flesh out the many aspects of rhetoric and translation. While Pandarus distinctly embodies the role of translator, Diomede vigorously epitomizes the force of translational process. This brings us to the issue of Criseyde as the text in the poem, which marks the significance of her “translations” in the poem. However, Criseyde’s final translation is not the end of Chaucer’s story; rather, it entails Troilus’s further translation. Chaucer completes his project of translation in the poem by transporting Troilus to “the eighthe spere,” thus converting Boccaccio’s secular love to one that is blessed with spiritual enlightenment.本研究計畫旨在探討喬瑟重要詩作《特洛伊勒斯與葵西妲》中牽涉到的修辭 與文學/文化翻譯,以及其與喬瑟詩學之關係。《特洛伊勒斯與葵西妲》既不是翻 譯,也非純創作:喬瑟佯稱其為前者,然而他對伯加丘原作之大幅重寫又似後者; 另一方面,詩中之敘述者/詩人也兼具翻譯者和創作者二面。本研究先討論西賽 羅等古典重要作家之論見及其影響以至但丁和伯加丘等中世紀作家之文論;之後 則仔細思考喬瑟在詩作中對翻譯與寫作之態度。詩中敘述者/詩人對其自身之翻 譯與寫作之曖昧立場是首先處理之課題;此外,詩中幾位主要角色,特別是兩位 傳統批評上之負面人物— 潘達拉斯和狄奧密得— 也需要重新檢視,因為他們正體 現譯者之角色以及翻譯過程之諸多動能與生發力量。詩作非以葵西妲從特洛伊勒 斯到狄奧密得的「翻譯」結束,而是以詩人藉由特洛伊勒斯轉離俗世,置身天際笑看塵事,強調基督信仰的屬靈意義作結,也因此彰顯方言寫作的神聖超越性。 而這也是詩作中最終極的翻譯工程。application/pdf44252 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學外國語文學系暨研究所ChaucerTroilus and Chiseydetranslationrhetoric喬瑟《特洛伊勒斯與葵西妲》翻譯修辭喬叟《卓勞士與葵西妲》中之「翻譯」詩學reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/10105/1/892411H002097.pdf