2011-02-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/680004摘要:鑒於自89年至97年統計教學資料顯示,臺灣大學每年修習初等統計課程學生人數大約在5000人佔統計課程總修習總人數的75%,「統計教學中心」 (Statistical Education Center , SEC) 首要工作為提昇初等統計課程教學品質,並為統籌統計教學課程的整合,建立統計教學評量制度與建立資源之分配方式,訂定統計教學中心之主要任務為 ( 1 ) 規劃統計教學課程與內容,( 2 ) 訂定統計教學方向與目標,( 3 ) 提供統計教學專業師資培訓課程,( 4 ) 建置提供統計教學資源架構制度,( 5 ) 協助統計教學教材之製作,( 6 ) 規劃提昇統計教學品質之策略及評量統計教學成效指標, ( 7 ) 舉辦統計教學與研究相關學術研討會。 因此統計教學中心規劃提供教學資源的架構與制度,於96年度第一學期開始實施大班教學,小班實習,規劃的25人至30人小班電腦實習課,課程名稱與學分數不變等原則,98學年度第二學期16個班級參與,共計1289學生人次。99學年度第一學期21個班級參與,共計1810學生人次。本中心亦依照各系所應用領域,編撰初等統計課程軟體教學大綱及內容,包括SAS、SPSS、EXCEL、R四種統計相關軟體。另外,亦針對統計實習課以每班25人至30人進行教學內容,教學助教甄選及培育,實習教室電腦軟硬體與選課系統也已進行整體的規劃與提昇。同時於99年5月31日與11月9日、11日分別舉辦SAS統計計軟體研習會及統計研討會。 我們按國立臺灣大學教務處規定,提出本中心100年度「邁向頂尖大學提升教學品質計畫」之計畫申請書。本申請書將針對本中心於99年度執行計畫成果作出詳細報告與檢討,並規劃100年度計畫的目標,藉提升統計教學與研究使本校早日達到世界前百大的目標。100年計畫善策略方案與時程分述於後:(1) 99學年第二學期及100學年第一學期共兩學期之初等統計學電腦實習課規劃,(2)99學年第二學期及100年第一學期共兩學期教學助理甄選、訓練,(3) 擴大初等統計學電腦實習課整合性(4) 落實初等統計學電腦教學,(5) 基礎統計學電腦實習教材補充,(6) 初等統計學統一教材編撰規劃 (7) 開授「統計與生活」通識課程,(8) 舉辦統計軟體研習會及統計研討會,(9) 籌備設置統計學電腦實習專用電腦教室與統計教學中心之搬遷工,(10)維持統計教學中心網頁運作,(11) 本校教學資料之統計分析,(12) 舉辦初等統計學教師座談會,(13) 評估納入統計諮詢業務之可能性。 <br> Abstract: Because the registration data from 2000 to 2008 shows that 5000 students took the introductory statistics courses which accounts about 75% of the total number of students enrolled in statistics course, Therefore, the primary goal of Statistical Education Center is to improve the quality of education courses and to coordinate teaching activities for introductory statistics and to establish a system for evaluation and distribution of resources. The main functions of Statistical Education Center is (1) to design the syllabus and contents of statistical courses, (2) to set the direction and goals for statistical education, (3) to provide training courses for statistical faculty and teaching assistants, (4) to establish the framework for distribution of statistical resources, (5) to prepare teaching materials, (6) to design the strategies for improving quality and performance index and evaluation for statistical education, (7) to hold symposiums on statistical education. To design the system for provision of statistical education resource, in the Fall Semester of 2007, Statistical Education Center established a teaching model of large-class lecture of 100 students and small-group statistical computer laboratory practice with a size of 25 to 30 students for the introductory statistics courses. In the Fall semester of 2010, there are a total of 1289 students from 16 classes participating the program. In the Spring semester of 2011, there are a total of 1810 students from 20 classes participating the program. To fit different needs of different disciplines from various departments and colleges, Statistical Education Center prepared different course materials for statistical computer laboratory practice including SAS, SPSS, EXCEL, and R. An overall upgrade of hardware and software for statistical laboratory and the computer system for election of the statistical computer laboratories have been implemented. Statistical Education Center also hired 35 graduate-level teaching assistants which received a 5-day training course and passed the examination in early September 2010. Statistical Education Center also held symposiums on statistical software, statistical methodology, and statistical education. Based on solid accomplishments in the 2010 year, the proposal of improving the quality of statistical education for the 2011 submitted by Statistical Education Center was approved. In addition to the progress report and our self-evaluation for the 2010 project, the strategies and action actions for the 2011 project are given in the following: (1) to design and execute the statistical computer laboratory practice for the Spring and Fall Semesters of 2011, (2) hiring and training of new teaching assistants for the Spring and Fall Semesters of 2011, (3) to expand SEC services for statistical computer labs to the departments in which currently do not participate, (4) to improve the effectiveness of the statistical computer lab practices, (5) to revise the teaching materials for the statistical computer laboratory practice and prepare the new teaching materials, (6) to start the preparation of the manuscript on the textbook of the introductory statistics, (7) to offer the general education course “Statistics and Life” (8) to held symposiums on statistical software and statistical education, (9) to set up software and hardware for the statistical computer labs in the new General Education Building, (10) To maintain and improve the contents and accessibility of the SEC website, (11) to assist Academic Affairs Division analyzing teaching and educational data, (12) seminars on teaching experience for statistical professors who teach introductory statistics, and (13) to evaluate the feasibility of providing statistical consultation services to the NTU main campus.統計教學品質教學資源統計電腦實習課StatisticsStatistical EducationResourceEducation QualityStatistical Computer Laboratory統計教學中心業務之推展