指導教授:朱文儀臺灣大學:商學研究所張庭瑄Chang, Ting-XuanTing-XuanChang2014-11-282018-06-292014-11-282018-06-292014http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/262767傳統產業雖然不如科技產業新穎,卻是社會國家中不可或缺的基石。而透過商業模式的檢討、重組、創新,可以使企業更有活力。透過分析次級原料市場中的回收塑料再製市場,再提出可行的商業模式,為本研究兩大重點。 塑膠製品以及相關衍生物為現代社會中的必需品,隨塑膠相關製品的成長,加上國際對環保議題的重視,回收塑料再製市場漸受重視,然而相關文獻對於回收塑料再製產業著墨不多,因而本研究第一部分的重點在於了解回收塑料再製產業的現狀與發展機會。本研究第二部分欲藉討論回收塑料再製市場情況的結果,並就現有如線上B2B交易平台、口筆譯公司的商業模式整合,提出可行的商業模式,以滿足當前回收塑料再製市場未被滿足的潛在需求。其中商業模式的建構邏輯將依循Johnson & Christensen (2010)所提出的四個元素之商業模式及Osterwalder(2010, 2004)的九個構面商業模式架構做發想。 回收塑料再製產業多為中小型傳統產業廠商,且國際買賣方地域分明,因此需倚賴貿易商的語言能力,然而因產品不易辨識,跨國貿易糾紛頻傳,中間商又把持通路,壓縮了大量中小型企業的利潤,故產業內有尋求語言人才、避免中間商剝削等潛在需求。本研究所建議的商業模式欲藉由提供業內廠商資訊更易流通、打破語言藩籬、屏蔽中間商的交易平台,使得業內資訊更為透明,為買賣雙方創造更有效率的交易方式。Conventional industry is not as popular as the IT industry, but it is the foundation of the modern society. People always talk about business models, and hope that the companies could be more productive after the discussion, reconstruction and innovation of old business models. Documentation and information concerning the plastic recycling industry is scarce, despite the increasing importance of plastic products in modern society. Increased consumption of plastic products, inevitably leads to an increase in plastic waste. Because of the growing volume of plastic waste and the growing emphasis on environmentally-friendly business practices in the international scene, the plastic recycling industry’s role in the market is becoming more important. Therefore, the first part of this study will focus on understanding and defining the current situation in this market and establish the likelihood of opportunities in the future. The second part focuses on the design of an effective business model which will satisfy the potential demands in the market. The study will refer to existing business models used by B2B online trading platforms and translation service companies and combine them with results in the first part. The business model building process was designed in accordance with the principles established in the four-box business model framework (Johnson & Christensen, 2010) and nine business model building blocks (Osterwalder, 2010, 2004). There are some unique characteristics in this market, for example, most of the players are medium to small-size enterprises and due to their size, to set up a public-relations department is too costly to them and hard to identify the product. Besides, the main seller and main buyer are so specific in their geographic area that they need a trader to overcome the liability of a second language and close the transaction. Traders will try to block the information between sellers and buyers so that they can create more profit; however, an unintended result of these actions is that since the product is hard to identify and traders often don’t have enough knowledge in plastic waste which result that the entanglement frequently happens. Therefore, this study aims to capitalize on the potential demand in language, by offering a platform to connect both sellers and buyers and hoping that the business model could increase the transparency and create a more efficient set of transactions in the market.第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 2 第二章 文獻探討 4 第一節 產業分析相關理論 4 第二節 商業模式 8 第三節 小結 14 第三章 研究方法 16 第一節 研究架構與流程 16 第二節 研究方法說明 17 第三節 資料來源 18 第四節 研究設計 20 第四章 回收塑料再製產業分析 23 第一節 次級原料產業、塑膠產業與回收塑料再製產業介紹 23 第二節 回收再製塑料產業現況 33 第三節 回收塑料再製產業機會與威脅 39 第五章 新商業模式 48 第一節 Johnson and Christensen的商業模式架構 48 第二節 Osterwalder的商業模式架構 61 第六章 結論與建議 67 第一節 研究結論 67 第二節 研究限制 68 第三節 研究建議 69 參考文獻 71 中文 71 英文 72 中文其他網站 74 英文其他網站 742343495 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間:2015/04/01論文使用權限:同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)商業模式塑料回收再製產業產業分析回收廢料次級原料產業的商業模式探討-以回收塑料再製產業為例The Business Model of Secondary Material Industries: A Case Study of the Plastics Recycling Industrythesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/262767/1/ntu-103-R01741049-1.pdf