指導教授:李嗣涔臺灣大學:生醫電子與資訊學研究所葉欣綺Yeh, Shin-ChiShin-ChiYeh2014-11-262018-07-052014-11-262018-07-052014http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/261848此研究的目的是用本實驗室所研發出表面電漿子紅外線發射器,利用其所發出的窄頻寬紅外線去照射子宮頸癌細胞48小時,並且使用生物分析方法測量癌細胞受紅外光刺激所造成的反應,主要探討是否會造成子宮頸癌細胞粒線體膜電位崩壞及是否會刺激下游的細胞走自我凋亡途徑。在本研究使用的紅外光發射器,是依據表面電漿子原理制作,此紅外光源結構是在矽基板上鍍上銀/二氧化矽/銀三層薄膜,即是金屬/絕緣層/金屬(MIM)三明治結構的薄膜。而最上層的金屬銀表面是使用光罩並利用曝光技術所制作的週期性排列孔洞藉以調變本實驗所需要的特定波長。透過電流加熱,此結構便會發出窄頻寬高功率的紅外光。將子宮頸癌細胞經過不同波長之紅外光照射48小時後,得知3~3.8 μm和3.8 μm波長照射下,癌細胞生長明顯受到抑制並且會抑制其細胞移動。The purpose of this research is to study the infrared irradiation effect on the cervical cancer cells Hela growth and migration. The plasmonic thermal emitter with broad bandwidth (3~3.8 μm) and narrow emission waveband (3.8, 4.4, 4.8 μm) were designed and used to illuminate the cells for 48 hours to investigate the specific wavelength that affects the cell expression most significantly. Infrared emitters used in this study are fabricated based on the theory of surface plasmon. The infrared source can be achieved by heating the triple layer structure which consists of a SiO2 layer sandwitched between two Ag films on the silicon substrate, it is called metal/dielectric/metal (MIM) structure. The top Ag layer is perforated by periodic hole array, and the emission wavelength can be altered and selected by changing the lattice constant and diameter of the hole arrays. It is found that the growth of Hela cell responds the most after illumination by PTE with peak wavelength at 3~3.8 μm and 3.8 μm, the growth of Hela cell was inhibited significantly. Besides, IR may regulate mitochondrial membrane potential, activate the downstream of apoptosis to decrease cell viability. And it also showed that 3~3.8 μm and 3.8 μm decreased the cell movement mostly after 48h IR exposure. In general, after infrared illumination under specific wavelengths, hela cells can be diminished in vitro. The study implies that IR illumination can prohibit the cell growth and promote cell apoptosis.口試委員審定書 I 誌謝 II 摘要 III Abstract IV Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Introduction of Human Cervical Cancer cell……….…….…… 1 1.2 Immortal Cell Line Hela Cell …………………………………....3 1.3 Purpose of This reserch 5 1.4 Framework of Thesis 7 Chapter 2 The Fundamentals of Plasmonic Thermal Emitters 9 2.1 The Fundamentals of Surface plasmons 9 2.1.1 Surface plasmons on smooth surface 14 2.1.2 Surface plasmons on the surface with hole arrays… 15 2.1.3 Dispersion relation of surface plasmon in hexagonally ordered hole arrays 20 2.2 Process Flow… 23 2.2.1 Fabrication processes of metal hole arrays 23 2.1.1 Fabrication processes of plasmonic thermal emitter 26 2.3 Measureing Systems 30 2.3.1 Introduction of FTIR ………………………………………….……....29 2.3.2 Thermal emitter chamber ………………………………….….……....31 2.4 Incubator for cell illuminated by infrared 32 Chapter 3 Experimental and Analysis of Infrared Irradiation Effect 34 3.1 Experimental Setup 34 3.2 Materials and Experimental Process 40 3.2.1 Cell culture 40 3.2.2 WST-1 assay 40 3.2.3 Measurement of apoptosis 46 3.2.2 Cell mitochindrial membrane potential analysis 51 3.2.2 In vitro wound healing assay 56 Chapter 4 Effect of Narrow Bandwidth Infrared Radiation on Cancer Cells Hela Solar Cells 59 4.1 Cancer cells Hela illuminated by 3.8~4.8 μm Infrared Light 59 4.2 IR Exposure Experiments #1 (λp = 3.8 μm) 61 4.2.1 WST-1 61 4.2.2 Measurement of apoptosis 62 4.2.3 Cell mitochondrial membrane potential analysis 64 4.3 IR Exposure Experiments #2 (λp = 4.4 μm) 66 4.2.1 WST-1 66 4.2.2 Measurement of apoptosis 67 4.2.3 Cell mitochondrial membrane potential analysis 68 4.4 IR Exposure Experiments #3 (λp = 4.8 μm) 70 4.2.1 WST-1 70 4.2.2 Measurement of apoptosis 71 4.2.3 Cell mitochondrial membrane potential analysis 73 4.5 Analysis of In Vitro Wound Healing Assay 74 4.6 3~3.8 and 3.8 μm with Cisplatin 77 4.6.1 Introduction of Cisplatin 77 4.6.2 Measurement of apoptosis 78 Chapter 5 Conclusion 80 References 816723677 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間:2015/08/25論文使用權限:同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)表面電漿子紅外線發射器窄頻子宮頸癌細胞自我凋亡[SDGs]SDG3窄頻紅外線照射對子宮頸癌細胞Hela生長之影響Effect of Narrow Bandwidth Infrared Radiation on the Cervical Cancer Cells Hela Expressionsthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/261848/1/ntu-103-R00945034-1.pdf