臺灣大學: 土木工程學研究所張國鎮區瑋璣Ao, Wai-KeiWai-KeiAo2013-04-012018-07-092013-04-012018-07-092010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/255821隨著隔減震技術的發展建築物在消能方面有了明確的目標,由韌性設計到性能設計上都提供了一個明確的能量傳遞路徑,使建造物在地震作用下都能不致嚴重破壞。而本實驗試體中則使用這等控制元件來提供隔減震效果,如橡膠支承墊、黏滯性阻尼器、鉛心橡膠支承墊。 設計的概念則源於調諧質量阻尼器(TMD)和中間層隔震。調諧質量阻尼器則是可以減少下部結構體的位移和加速度反應。而中間層隔震則是減少上部結構之加速度反應和層間位移。故本研究則嘗試以TMD之設計方法嘗試結合兩者之折減結果─前者為折減下部結構,後者為折減上部結構。而安裝和提供勁度和阻尼之方法則以中間隔震為主,即使用支承墊和黏滯阻尼器。並先透過SAP2000N軟件建立數值模型驗証此概念之可行性後,才進一步規劃一系列的實驗和數值模型之模擬。 設計的方法則以Sadek[31]和Villaverde[32]提出的最佳化公式和判斷式為主,並求取相應之最佳化TMD勁度和阻尼。當設計完成後則規劃振動臺實驗測試,用以測試加裝TMD之構架在地震作用下之行為和反應,比對各元件在實驗中所發揮之效能。並由實驗結果觀察出其對下部結構反應之折減是有效的,包括位移和加速度反應,其中尤以加速度之折減量較為明顯。隨後則以實驗結果比對數值模擬分析,結果表明數值模型能有效模擬出相符試驗之結果。 另外本文會進一步探討調動TMD之質量比例,即大質量比,再觀看在符合最佳化設計下使用不同之被動元件,上下部結構反應是否能達到同時折減,故使用了SAP2000N為模擬大質量比各構架之地震反應,這部分將於本文中論述其效益與成效。Ductility design is rely on large deformation of beams and columns to absorb earthquake energy. Frequently, serious damage of beams and columns cause structures difficult to be repaired. Therefore, more engineers developed the control element that make the transmission path of earthquake force is well known after adding control elements. It also can reduce the input energy and structure vibration, so that the safety and functionality can be ensured. In this study will perform the control element in structure such as rubber bearing, viscous damper and lead rubber bearing and use Tuned Mass Damper concept to control the structural behavior. The stiffness and damping coefficient of TMD system are provided by isolation bearing and VD. Bearing systems are installed on the top of high story level. TMD can reduce substructure responses. Isolation system can reduce the superstructure responses. Therefore attempt to use TMD design and change some parameters to gain both advantage. The main design method is performed by Sadek[31] and Villaverde[32]. They proposed the optimum of TMD and mass criteria equation. Corresponding to the new design concept it is building the numerical model of SAP2000N to prove the effectiveness of itself. After that plan the shaking table test. On the other hand can adjust the mass ratio of TMD parameter, such as tuning the large mass ratio and matching the optimize design formula. TMD is also applied on the structural building by passive control elements which can reduce the superstructure and substructure response at the same time. So it is using the SAP2000N program to perform the numerical studies and predictions.17778452 bytesapplication/pdfen-US調諧質量阻尼器中間樓層隔震高模態模態耦合線性系統雙線性系統質量比例頻率比例Tuned Mass DamperMid-story isolationhigh modemodel coupling effectlinear systembilinear systemmass ratiofrequency ratio結構調諧質量阻尼器建築物之耐震行為分析與試驗Analytical and Experimental Studies on Seismic Behavior of Structures with Building Mass Dampersthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/255821/1/ntu-99-R97521216-1.pdf