2023-01-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/672990尖端影像的技術在現今生物醫學的研究上扮演關鍵臨床前到臨床轉譯之橋接關鍵角色。本計畫的第三個目標是開發尖端生醫影像技術,包括從奈米級結構和分子移動觀測之微小尺度影像、到細胞與組織等級之結構與功能性成像等,藉此瞭解致病/治療期間之交互作用。此外,生醫影像結合多體學資訊經過計算分析之後,將有助於瞭解分子在細胞和組織的重要性,並透過影像判讀與分析來更加清楚分子的運作模式和動態變化。此外,影像與量子預測計算及人工智慧的結合,將促使精準疾病判讀、成因、以及預測等工作得以實現。 Advanced biomedical imaging technologies are critical in bridging preclinical research to translational research. The third research goal of the proposed center is to continue the development of advanced imaging technologies of the team, from the nanometer level for molecular structure and movement to the millimeter to centimeter level for cell and tissue imaging. With this, the interaction between the cause of the disease and the effect of the treatment can be investigated. In addition, the data extracted from images (radiomics) can also be combined with other multi-omics data to understand biomedical mechanisms. Finally, the combination of imaging, quantum computing, and artificial intelligence can facilitate disease diagnosis, mechanism, and prediction.國立臺灣大學高等教育深耕計畫-特色領域研究中心 【子計畫三:尖端多尺度與多模態影像技術】