2013-11-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/710094摘要:這個子計畫將利用第三波亞洲民主動態調查以及全球民主動態調查的跨國資料,針對民主品質與民主支持的關連性行比較分析,我們將發掘出對於公民民主支持影響最大的治理品質面向,以及發掘出哪些歷史條件會影響到民主品質對於政體正當性之重要性(相對於經濟表現因素)。我們將分為三個階段來進行這項跨國比較分析,在第一階段我們將對過去十年內臺灣進行的三波亞洲民主動態調查進行跨時比較分析,分析過去十 年公民對治理品質評價的變化,以及治理品質對於民主支持態度的影響,在第二階段我們將比較臺灣與東亞其他新興民主政體與混合政體之間的異同,在第三階段我們將進行全球範圍的比較分析。<br> Abstract: This project aims to analyze the relationship between the quality of democracy and democratic support with cross-national suvery data sets both from the third-wave Asianbarometer and from global barometer. We intend to discover the most influential quailty of democracy on the democratic support and compared to economic factors, what kinds of historical conditions have the largest impacts on the importance of the quality of democracy to democratic legitimacy. We will proceed the comparative task by three stages: first, we would like to analyze the three-wave Asianbarometer time-series Taiwan data sets in the past ten years. This enables us to understand the variation of popular evaluation toward democratic governance and the influence of the quality of governance on democratic support. Second, we will compare the similarity and difference of Taiwan with other new democratic and mixed regimes. Finally, we will exapnd our comparative analysis globally.亞洲民主動態調查全球民主動態調查AsianbarometerGlobal barometer公民與民主鞏固: 台灣、東亞與全球比較分析、民主品質與民主支持(3/3)