Graduate Institute of Art History, National Taiwan University國立臺灣大學藝術史研究所陳葆真2017-09-082018-05-292017-09-082018-05-292005-03 paper deals with the developments of painting history in the Jiangnan and the Szechwan areas from the southern Tang (937-975) to Northern Song (960-1127) periods. According to the author, the painters in the above-mentioned two areas in the Five Dynasties (907-960) were equally active. However, their interests were lightly different: the Jiangnan artists, especially, favored landscape, figure, bird/flower, and dragon/water genres; the Szechwan painters, particularly, liked Buddhist/Taoist, figures, bird/flower, and architecture themes. After the Northern Song unification, many artists from these two areas served at court in Kaifong. There they competed with each other. As historical documents reveal, the rivalry between painters form these two areas experienced three stages: In the early stage (before 1059), the power of the Szechwan artists prevails that of the Jiangnan. But the situation changed as time went on. The Jiangnan artists gradually won their power over their Szechwan colleagues in second stage (before 1074). And, finally, the Jiangnan artists’ influence overwhelmed that of the Szechwan painters at the end of the Northern Song period (before 1120). The shift of power from the hand of the Szechwan artists to that of the Jiangnan painters at court also reflects the change of taste of the Northern Song imperial family in different generations. However, while the works of the Jiangnan artists became popular and well received at court and among official scholars, the Szchwan painters remained influential in the artistic milieu outside the out till the beginning of the Southern Song period (before 1167).本文主要探討江南地區從南唐(937-975)到北宋(960-1127)時期繪畫發展的概況,同時比較這段時期中江南和四川兩地繪畫發展的特色和相互競爭的情形。根據個人的觀察與統計,得知南唐和前、後蜀在五代時期(907-960)的繪畫發展各有所長,且勢均力敵;到了北宋時期,兩地的繪畫勢力更呈現激烈競爭的現象。據資料顯示,兩者勢力的分佈不但有地域性的差別,更有階層性的差異。簡言之,江南畫家多偏好山水、人物、花鳥和龍水等畫行;他們的作品較受皇室和士大夫的青睞。而四川畫家多擅長於釋道、人物、花鳥與屋木類;他自的作品存在於寺廟、實觀,較具普及性。由史料得知,北宋早期(1059前)的宮廷中,川籍畫家的勢力凌駕於江南畫家之上;到了北宋中期(1074前),江南畫家漸漸取得優勢;而到了北宋末期(1120前),則情形逆轉,江南畫家勢力遠遠超過了四川畫家。由此反映出北宋皇室的品味由偏好四川漸漸轉向江南畫風的事實。但是另外一方面,四川的繪畫勢力,直到南宋初年(1167前)為止,都在民間持續發展著強勁的影響力。以上事實都可由這期間的畫史資料中得到證明。41431447 bytesapplication/pdf南唐畫家前蜀畫家後蜀畫家北宋畫史江南畫風四川畫風The Southern Tang paintersThe Former Shu paintersThe Later Shu paintersNorthern Song painting historyThe Jiangnan styleThe Szechwan style從南唐到北宋-期間江南和四川地區繪畫勢力的發展From Southern Tang to Northern Song—The Developments of Painting History in the Jiangnan And the Szechwan Areasjournal article10.6541/TJAH.2005.03.18.03