2005-11-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/707204摘要:截至今日,光學微機電技術已廣泛地被採用於眾多科技領域。其中最廣為人知的包括了光纖通訊、醫療、顯示技術、及波長可調變元件﹝雷射、濾波器、光偵測器﹞等方面的應用。另外,光學微機電技術也可應用於調適光學。 光在自由空間傳播的過程中,會因為傳播介質的擾動或光學元件的缺陷等因素,對光束產生負面的影響。這類負面的影響包括了波前的扭曲、成像的像差、以及成像品質的降低等。調適光學系統則可補償上述的不良效應,藉此驅近繞射極限,進而使光學成像更清晰,對比更明顯。目前調適光學主要的應用有:共焦顯微術、雷射波前修正、天文學、及人眼視覺等。 光學微機電技術則是建構調適光學系統的主要方式之一。舉例來說,兼具垂直活塞運動及二維旋轉功能的反射式微鏡片陣列,或可形變的反射性薄膜,均可與調適光學結合。本研究計畫,將著力於調適光學的微機電元件研發。其中一個方向,是研發兼備長距離活塞運動及大旋轉角度的微鏡片陣列;另一個方向,則是發展穿透式的調適光學微機電元件。使用穿透式的元件,光的行進路徑將不需要翻摺,光學系統可以因此更加簡化。<br> Abstract: Optical MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) has been widely used in many research areas. Its application includes optical fiber communication, medicine, display technologies, and wavelength-tunable devices (e.g. lasers, filters, and detectors), etc. It can also be incorporated into adaptive-optics systems. Free-space optical systems draw our attention to the concern with aberration, wave front distortion, and image degradation. Adaptive optics refers to optical systems which adapt to compensate for these undesirable optical effects resulted by the medium between the object and its image. It provides the alternative to eliminate these effects, and thus to produce appreciably sharper images which sometimes approach the theoretical diffraction limit. Sharper images have the advantage in highlighting the contrast. Adaptive optics is nowadays used mainly in confocal microscopy, adaptive laser wave front correction, astronomy, and human vision, etc. Deformable membranes and 2D arrays of tip-tilt-piston micromirrors are promising approaches to implement adaptive optics. Both of them are reflective-type elements. The major efforts of this project will be the development of novel MEMS devices for adaptive optics. The first direction is to achieve arrays of micromirrors with large piston motions and scanning angles. The second direction is targeting transparent-type adaptive-optics MEMS components. Transparent optical elements eliminate the need for folding the optical paths. This therefore simplifies the entire optical systems.調適光學光學微機電微機電元件微鏡片陣列波前修正Adaptive OpticsOptical MEMSMicro-Electro-Mechanical SystemsMicromirror ArrayWave Front Correction使用微機電技術之調適光學系統