2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714722The NTU School of Dentistry of the College of Medicine was the former dental unit of the Taipei Imperial Universityaffiliated hospital founded by the Japanese. After World War II, Taipei Imperial University was converted to National Taiwan University (NTU), and its affiliated hospital subsequently became National Taiwan University Hospital. At the time, the dean of the College of Medicine, Dr. Tsung-Ming Tu, took the advice from an American consultant, Dr. Brown, and initiated the establishment of the School of Dentistry as well as the School of Pharmacy. In 1953, with Dr. Huo-Yao Wei as the dean, the NTU School of Dentistry was formally founded as a university-based dental school, and it began admitting students in 1955. The first chairman of the School of Dentistry was Dr. Shui Kuo, who also served as the professor of dental science in the medical college. In 1988, the Graduate Institute of Clinical Dentistry was established. Shortly after, in 1991, a PhD course was added to the original master’s course. In 1996, the dental school received authorization to commence graduate courses in oral biology. In 2005, the school celebrated its 50th birthday, and during these 50 years, our teaching quality, dental services, and research in dental science have achieved a marked progress. We are grateful that our predecessors have provided us with a solid background and we are ready to meet any future challenges with confidence. Clinical Research Aspects of clinical research include the establishment and development of dental technology laboratories that correspond with the latest trend of advancing treatment techniques and apparatuses, as well as cell biology research laboratories that provide regeneration and tissue engineering procedures. Furthermore, we also collaborate with other departments to combine fundamental knowledge with clinical practice, essentially developing biomaterials beneficial for clinical use.國立臺灣大學醫學院下原有牙醫學系成立於1953年,1988年成立牙醫科學研究所,並於1996年正式更名為臨床牙醫學研究所,口腔生物科學研究所也於1997年應運而生,於2008年後,此三單位歸屬於新成立的牙醫專業學院。 牙醫學系修業年限為6年,分為一、二年級的大學共同科目教育;三、四年級的基礎醫學、基礎牙醫學、以及臨床醫學教育;五、六年級臨床牙醫學教育,以及臺大醫院牙科臨床見習、實習。 臨床牙醫學研究所設有碩士班和博士班,並分為齒顎矯正學、補綴、口腔病理、兒童牙科、牙體復形美容牙科、口腔顎面外科、牙周病、牙髓病等八組,主要從事臨床牙醫學的研究與專科醫師訓練。 口腔生物科學研究所為口腔及牙醫學系統中之一員,肩負口腔醫學之基礎教學及研究之任務,所招收學生不限於牙醫師,以培養牙醫學教育所需之基礎研究人才及教師為宗旨。School of DentistryAcademic Institute