文學院: 圖書資訊學研究所指導教授: 林珊如詹佳穎Chan, Jia-YingJia-YingChan2017-03-062018-05-302017-03-062018-05-302015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/276899瀏覽行為是網路使用者普遍表現的行為,網路環境成為新興瀏覽行為研究場域。然而,經由文獻探討發現,目前網路瀏覽類別相關研究,較少有系統性的探討。此外,目前文獻脈絡中,網路環境中新的因素對瀏覽行為的影響,仍然處於模糊狀態。因此,本研究假定使用者在網路環境脈絡,與實體環境脈絡中的瀏覽體驗可能會有所差異。Chang (1995) 在實體圖書館進行瀏覽的實徵研究,發展出多面向的瀏覽架構,歸納出十種瀏覽類別,提供描述不同層次瀏覽的分析性語言。故本研究選擇同樣以書籍為主體的博客來網路書店作為研究場域,試圖從行為面、動機面、認知面、資源面與脈絡面五個面向,在網路書店環境中,驗證Chang (1995) 的瀏覽架構,並比較使用者在實體環境中與網路書店環境中的瀏覽行為差異。 根據上述研究目的,本研究招募14位具有使用網路書店經驗者,參考Chang (1995) 研究架構,探究網路書店使用者的瀏覽行為。本研究採用實驗觀察法,瞭解研究對象的行為面、資源面與脈絡面,並搭配半結構訪談,擷取其認知與動機面。從五個瀏覽面向分析網路書店瀏覽因素,驗證網路書店使用者,是否會展現出Chang (1995) 的十種瀏覽類別,以及類別的行為特徵為何,同時討論影響瀏覽類別的網路書店因素。希冀比較網路書店瀏覽行為和實體圖書館瀏覽行為的差異。 本研究結果顯示,網路書店使用者會展現出這十種瀏覽類別,只是行為表現方式有所不同。網路書店使用者的尋求意圖,可分為尋找特定商品、尋找共同特性商品、意外發現商品、追蹤、學習及無特定目標瀏覽。網路書店瀏覽最重要的影響因素是移動,網路書店使用者利用多種網頁連結的進入點,以及自身擁有的路徑知識,快速穿梭於網頁,成功尋求符合目的的商品位置,以評估商品部份的資訊。網路書店使用者多半,僅能評估短且片段的內容,缺乏真實感,但是,網路書店也提供多媒體、書評等網路特有功能。此外,博客來網路書店在同一介面上,併陳豐富的內容資訊,容易喚起或形塑使用者的瀏覽動機,造成使用者瀏覽對象的改變。 本研究綜合網路書店的影響因素發現,導致網路書店瀏覽行為與實體瀏覽行為最大的不同是,網路書店使用者於瀏覽歷程中,頻繁發生瀏覽類別轉換或交叉展現的行為。總結來說,網路書店瀏覽行為是一種,使用者瀏覽網站豐富資訊的過程中,不時產生尋求新對象的動機,並且透過同一介面上的多元連結與搜尋功能,快速地移動至目標網頁,檢視商品部分資訊,以滿足新動機的行為。 依據本研究結果,建議網站介面設計,應於同一介面上併陳豐富多元的資訊與網頁連結形式,譬如使用詮釋資訊連結,多重屬性聚集相似商品、首頁擺放豐富的資訊塑造使用者的隨意瀏覽路徑。另外,善用廣告及特別區塊能夠,支持瀏覽者目的及潛在興趣。建議圖書館於入口處擺設多元書籍區域、建立資源指引網頁,並且可以在其線上目錄提供詮釋資訊連結、評估資訊、書籍推薦等功能。Browsing is a common information behavior of web users, thus the Internet is a new popular research context of browsing. However, the browsing patterns of web users have not been systematically studied. In addition, the impact of the Internet factors on browsing is not well understood. Accordingly, this study assumes that browsing experience in the web environment may different from the physical environment. Chang (1995) developed a multidimensional framework to describe ten browsing patterns. Chang (1995) identified five dimensions of browsing, including behavior, motivation, cognition, resource and context. Although Chang (1995) provided a systematically taxonomy of browsing pattens, the empirical research was conducted in the physical library. Therefore, the purpose of this research aims to verify the browsing framework of Chang (1995) in an online bookstore, comparing the differences between the web browsing and the physical browsing behavior. To discover browsing patterns in an online bookstore, total of 14 subjects whom has online bookstore experience were recruited. Bookland online bookstore was selected as the research website, because it contains abundant books. The experimental observation was conducted to observe the behavior, resource and context three dimensions. Meanwhile, following a semi-structured interview was employed to collect data from cognition and motivation two dimensions. Finally, online bookstore user’s browsing factors and behavioral characteristics of patterns were identified in the research. The results revealed that online bookstore users will exhibit these ten browsing patterns. The seeking intention of browser can be divided into the following types: looking for a specific item, looking for something with common characteristics, keeping up-to-date, learning and goal-free browsing. Online bookstore browsing patterns are influenced by a number of factors, especially movement factor. Users rely on diverse webpage links as an entry point, and their pathway knowledge, moving rapidly through online bookstore, examining parts of information objects (commodity). Most of the online bookstore information content is short and fragmented, and lack of the physicality of printed books. Nevertheless, online bookstore provides specific web features such as multimedia and book reviews. Moreover, abundant information displayed on the interface, which stimulates or shapes the user’s motivation easily, leading to the changes of seeking objects. It was discovered that the main difference between physical and online bookstore browsing, which is that users frequently change or cross their browsing patterns. In conclusion, online bookstore users often attracted by the new seeking objects when they browsing a website which has wealthy information. Therefore, users rapidly move to the target webpage, through the links or the search function on the website interface. Finally, products information has been examined, in order to satisfy user’s new motivations of browsing. The research gives some suggestions for website design and library service. Website interface could display diverse information and webpage links, for instance, using metadata links to aggregate items in multiple attributes or displaying rich information on homepage to shape browsing paths. Also, advertisements and special section could support user’s browsing purposes and arouse potential interests. On the other hand, it is suggested that library could set a multiple themes book area beside the entrance, design web guidelines for collections, and provide metadata links, abstract of books, recommendations on its online catalog.3837310 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/3/13論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)瀏覽行為瀏覽模式網際網路書店網站資訊尋求行為消費者行為browsingbrowsing patternswebsiteonline bookstoreinformation seeking behaviorconsumer behavior[SDGs]SDG12網路書店中瀏覽類別之研究A Study of Browsing Patterns in an Online Bookstorethesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/276899/1/ntu-104-R00126013-1.pdf