2012-06-152024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/684651摘要:動物馴化是人類動物育種的開始,也是農業文化的基礎。家畜由野生動物馴化過程伴隨著選拔與淘汰,於是免疫反應相關基因序列的演化也隨著家畜馴化而演進。不同功能的家畜品種也隨著被建立。研究這些具有不同免疫反應之豬品種間有關免疫之基因,如Toll like receptor(TLR)、Major histocompatibility Complex (MHC)與Fucosyltransferase (FUT1)序列差異或取代,可以幫助瞭解這些基因序列對於免疫反應相關性能之角色。而這些研究大多著重在歐美家豬。臺灣原生豬種包括屬於迷你豬的蘭嶼豬與體型屬中等體型之桃園豬。這些原生豬種成為研究基因序列影響免疫反應相關性能之角色研究的重要模式。本研究計劃,將萃取與比較蘭嶼豬、桃園豬、藍瑞斯豬與李宋豬(合成豬)之TLR、MHC與FUT1之序列多型性。這個研究結果將有助於建立輔助免疫反應相關性狀選拔之分子標記。<br> Abstract: Domestication of wild Animals was the beginning of animal breeding by human being, as the base of agriculture. Domestication of livestock is accompany with selection and culling, leading to the evolution of genes related to immunity. Finally, the different breeds possess variant performance were established. Study the difference of gene sequences obtained from pigs with variant immune response performances could help us to understand the role of these genes’ sequences that contribute to immune response performance (e.q. Toll like receptor (TLR), Major histocompatibility Complex (MHC), and Fucosyltransferase(FUT1)). Most of the study focused on European type pigs. The indigenous pigs, including miniature Lanyu pig and medium body size of Taoyuan pig will become a important laboratory model for study the role of genes and their sequences on immune response performances. In this proposal, the polymorphism of TLR, MHC, and FUT1 will be explored among Lanyu, Taoyuan, Landrance and Lee-Sung (a synthetic pigs from Asian and European pig) breeds. This study will help us to development the molecular markers for selection the pigs with immune response performances.Toll like receptorMajor histocompatibility complexFucosyltransferase免疫豬Toll like receptorMajor histocompatibility complexFucosyltransferaseimmunitysus scrofa豬隻育種、生產技術及品質改進-比較李宋豬與歐亞家豬免疫相關基因之研究