侯文祥臺灣大學:生物環境系統工程學研究所涂添惇Tu, Tien-TunTien-TunTu2007-11-272018-06-292007-11-272018-06-292005http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/56051本研究改良台灣現有單層被覆溫室構造方式,利用雙層被覆空氣層之構造特性,建構實體溫室進行環境實驗,利用設施操作達到降溫與保溫目的,使溫室內環境能適合台灣地區生物生長氣候條件,且兼顧經濟性。從溫室設計建造經濟性與調節環境能力兩方面探討台灣地區生物生產設施的合理設計。兩棟分別在高海拔梅峰及台北平地的不同地域環境之溫室,在設施建造方面,採用輕型鋼材單斜式構造,各搭配20cm、25cm兩種不同厚度空氣層、寬30cm內外層氣流口、室外50%及80%遮蔭之雙層黑網、風扇及1mm藍色PVC浪板,組成雙層PVC浪板溫室。兩棟溫室的主構架用鋼量分別為單位地板面積99.4及132.5㎏/㎡,單位空間體積38.7及52.4㎏/m3。在環境實驗方面,分別對兩棟溫室進行四季環境計測實驗,探討夏季日間降溫能力、冬季夜間保溫能力及其它季節設施調節環境狀態。夏季實驗結果顯示,最佳模組為空氣層厚度 25cm、雙層黑網遮蔽、風扇開啟、氣流口開啟下,可降低室溫約 3.1℃,室溫與外氣溫相近,約高 0.6℃;且黑網與風扇在降溫能力效果相近。冬季保溫結果顯示兩種不同厚度空氣層在關閉狀態下,日間可升溫 6~14℃,夜間氣溫均維持比外氣溫高 1~2。空氣層厚度之熱阻實驗,以 25cm厚度空氣層氣流口開啟室內熱得最低,可應用在夏季隔熱目的;在 20cm厚度空氣層氣流口關閉時熱得最高,可應用在冬季保溫目的。以雙層藍色PVC浪板作為被覆材,光透過率小於30%,屬於中、低光量生物需。This research emphasizes on the improvement of recent single-layer greenhouse structures in Taiwan, by building real greenhouses that own the characteristic of double-cover air gaps to test the environment inside the structures. For heating and cooling, used operators to achieve the economically suitable terms of planting under Taiwan’s climate. Probe into the proper design of bio-production equipments in Taiwan from two parts, one is from the economic benefits of the greenhouse structures and the other is from the environmental adjustment capability. Test two sample greenhouses on different environmental regions, one sample is in high elevation in MeiFeng and the other is in the level ground in Taipei. As to the material and structure, the two single-shed, double-layer PVC, light steel structures are built with 20cm and 25cm air gaps separately, 30cm interval and external vents, outdoor double-layer black nets with 50% and 20% transparency, cooling fans, and 1mm blue PVC sheets. The frameworks of the two greenhouses are 99.4 kg/m² and 132.5 kg/m² separately, and the spaces are 38.7 kg/m³and 52.4 kg/m³. As to the environmental experiment, calculated and measured the two greenhouses on the basis of different seasons and analyzed the temperature reduction ability in summer daytime, the heat preservation capacity in winter nights and the facility conditions under other seasons. Findings in summer experiments indicate that the perfect mode, which can reduce the inner temperature about 3.1℃ and has a close inside-outside temperature, is achieved under 25cm air gap, both black nets blocking, cooling fans on and vents opened. Moreover, data suggests that the black nets and cooling fans have similar effects on temperature reduction ability. In winter experiment shows that the temperature in the daytime can increase 6 to 14℃, and be 1 to 2℃ higher than outside at winter nights when the two different thicknesses of air gaps are closed. As to the heat prevention experiment of air gaps, results conclude that the 25cm air gap with open vent which gets the minimum thermal energy can apply to the purpose of heat prevention in summer; the 20cm air gap with closed vent which gets the maximum calorific capacity can apply to that of heat preservation in winter. Finally, the two sample greenhouses can meet the needs of the medium or low light demanded plants by using double-layer blue PVC sheets as the cover materials, which have a lower than 30% transparency.中文摘要 Ⅰ Abstract Ⅱ 目錄 Ⅲ 表目錄 Ⅵ 圖目錄 Ⅷ 第一章 前言 1 1.1研究動機 1 1.2研究目的 2 1.3研究流程 3 第二章 文獻回顧 5 2.1生物需求環境與溫室環境 5 2.1.1溫度環境 5 2.1.2溼度環境 8 2.1.3光環境 9 2.2溫室設施構成 12 2.2.1溫室構造形式 12 2.2.2構架骨材用料 12 2.2.3硬質被覆材料使用情形 13 2.3溫室環境調節能力原理 14 2.3.1光熱環境 14 2.3.2溼空氣熱焓 15 2.3.3空氣層熱阻 16 2.3.4利用設施降溫方法 18 2.4雙層被覆空氣層溫室案例 20 第三章 材料與方法 23 3.1單斜式雙層PVC浪板溫室設計與建造 23 3.1.1區位別溫室設計 23 3.1.2溫室結構與被覆材施工 24 3.1.3 PVC浪板被覆材與遮光材料特性 31 3.2實驗儀器與設備 31 3.3溫室設施環境設計實驗 33 3.3.1操作模式組合與溫室計測流程 33 3.3.2測點佈置與計測時間 35 3.4資料分析 38 3.4.1溫度差計算方法 38 3.4.2熱收支計算方法 39 第四章 結果與討論 40 4.1單斜式溫室結構經濟性 40 4.2夏季日間溫室設施降溫能力 42 4.3夏季區位別溫室之熱環境 46 4.4區位別溫室之冬季保溫能力 49 4.5其它季節區位別溫室之熱環境 52 4.6設施光環境整合重點 54 4.7空氣層設計之熱阻能力 56 4.8雙層構造設施調節能力比較 58 第五章 結論與建議 60 5.1單斜式溫室結構經濟性設計 60 5.2環境設計 61 5.3空氣層設計 62 5.4適用之生物對象 63 5.5建議 65 參考文獻 68 附錄 附錄A環境實驗操作計測結果 72 附錄B輸入CR-10X之各儀器程式碼 811315394 bytesapplication/pdfen-US溫室熱收支空氣層雙層被覆GreenhouseDouble-layer coversAir gapHeat flux[SDGs]SDG13台灣地區單斜式雙層被覆空氣層溫室設計與調節環境能力研究Design and Adjustment of Shed Greenhouse Environment with Double Covers and Air Gap in Taiwanthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/56051/1/ntu-94-R91622038-1.pdf