2008-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/693144摘要:顧客與服務人員間的互動,是顧客評估服務品質與服務關係的重要依據,影響顧客對該公司忠程度。在服務接觸過程中,許多消費者均喜歡與親切友善的服務人員進行互動,享受這種正面情緒的感染,也常使得服務交易更為順暢。過去研究顯示,服務員工的正面情緒傳遞可以帶給公司許多好處,然而,在行銷領域中,卻較少有研究探討員工正面情緒對顧客情緒及服務結果的影響,遑論建立一模型來探討此種情緒感染的前因後果,及其在服務業行銷的重要性。本研究試圖建立一實證模型,探討服務人員與顧客情緒感染的前因後果,了解此議題在服務業中所扮演的角色,並提供服務業者增進服務結果的參考。在此模型中,員工與顧客間情緒感染的前因包含三大因素:服務環境(含設計環境與週遭氣氛)、現場服務忙碌程度、及員工經驗情緒;而其後果則包括:顧客知覺服務品質、滿意度及行為意圖。<br> Abstract: As the trend toward building relationship with customers continues to grow, recent academic explorations have begun to call for insight into consumers’ relationship with service providers. The interaction between service employees and customers is considered an essential part of both customers’ assessments of service provided and their relationship with their service providers. Despite the considerable amount of empirical research on service relationships and evaluation, several aspects of the service interaction have remained unexplored. An area of particular interest is the role of emotions in service encounters. Empirical marketing research about how emotional contagion affects customers and their assessments of service encounters has been limited, and remains to be examined. In this research proposal, we review literature on the emotions of service employees and customers, and propose a research framework exploring the antecedents and consequences of emotional contagion between the service employees and customers in order to explore this issue and provide in-depth insights.情緒感染正面情感服務環境服務品質滿意度Emotional ContagionPositive AffectivityService EnvironmentService QualitySatisfactionBehavioral Intentions服務人員與顧客情緒感染之模型建立與實證探討