林正芳2006-07-262018-06-282006-07-262018-06-282001-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/22062由於污泥產量日增,以傳統掩埋或覆 土方式處理,對自然環境造成的負荷有增 無減。因此近年來常將廢棄物資源化,以 減少處理廢棄物容納空間,且能更有效率 的利用資源,節省自然資源的消耗或開發。 本研究採用淨水廠的淨水污泥餅及含 氟化鈣之半導體製程廢水污泥,分兩單元 進行實驗。第一單元研究淨水污泥在不同 操作條件(燒結溫度、燒結時間)[1]時, 污泥燒結體物化性質(灼燒減量、體積燒 失率、抗壓強度、密度、吸水率及重金屬 溶出試驗)的相關變化,並找出資源化利 用(製造普通磚或輕骨材等)的最適化條 件。由實驗結果得到當燒結溫度達到1000 ℃以上,燒結時間至少1 小時,成形壓力 在111.0 kg/cm2 時,可以符合固化物再利 用標準[2]及製磚標準[3]。 第二單元應用第一單元得到之最適化 操作條件,將工業廢水污泥加入淨水污泥 中,改變其配比關係,探討添加物對淨水 污泥燒結體物化性質的影響。結果顯示所 有混合燒結體在第一單元的最適化操作條 件下,都能符合固化物再利用及製磚標準。 而操作條件中,溫度對於燒結效果的 影響最大,溫度增加可達到更佳的燒結效 果;在固定燒結溫度時,延長燒結時間,亦可促進燒結之效果。As the amount of sludge produced each year continues to snowball, its disposal has became an increasing burden to the natural environment. This study examined sintering of sludge as a process for sludge reuse. The study is composed of two parts. In the first part, characteristics of sintering bodies under different operating conditions, such as temperature, pressure, and duration, was investigated to determine the optimal sintering condition for producing useable end product. In the second part, the influences of mixing ratio on the physiochemical characteristics of the sintering bodies was investigated, under the optimal operating conditions derived from part one. The sludge applied in this study included the sludge from a water treatment plant, and sludge from the industrial wastewater of a semi-conductor plant. It was found that with sintering temperature of 1000。C, sintering duration of at least one hour, and molding pressure at 110 kg/cm2, the sintering bodies produced were able to meet the CNS standards. Mixing ratio did not show any significant influences on thesintering bodies. The sintering temperature was found to be the most important parameter, followed by neck growth, solidness, and density. Longer sintering duration under constant temperature resulted in better liquid-phase sintering. High molding pressure increased the density of the sintering bodies, and decreased its volume.application/pdf35374 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學環境工程學研究所燒結淨水污泥氟化鈣污泥燒結/熔融之資源化整合型研究─子計畫二:工業廢水污泥/淨水污泥之燒結資源化研究(1/3)Study on Sintering of Industrial Wastewater and Water Works Sludges (Ⅰ)reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/22062/1/892211E002093.pdf