管理學院: 國際企業學研究所指導教授: 任立中鄭玠泯Zheng, Chieh-MingChieh-MingZheng2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274765 本研究主要的目的在於探討行銷能耐指標的建立與分析。本研究的核心是基於動態能耐理論,並結合市場導向組織理論(Day,1994)為基礎,然後以此發展出實用且合適衡量企業行銷能耐水準的工具。 依循這樣的理論架構,本研究針對國內某一家生命禮儀公司為實證研究對象,衡量該公司各個單位或員工的行銷能耐水準,並分析其不同的行銷能耐水準表現;同時,運用交叉分析、知覺定位圖,並結合績效資料去做進一步的分析應用。 基於特定公司的所有員工之問卷調查,結果發現:公司與各單位所擅善的行銷能耐屬性不同,且各群體間也存有差異性。不同單位對於行銷能耐的相對傾向,也隱含了經理人可據此規劃每個單位的策略定位之可能。最後,結果也顯示部分單位的績效與行銷能耐背離,是未來公司須加強的地方。 The main concepts of this research are based on the theory of organization capabilities as well as Day’s (1994) theory of market orientation. This study builds and analyzes Marketing Capability Index, and then develop a useful and adaptable tool to measure marketing capability level of company. Follow this theoretical framework, taking one domestic funeral company as an example, we measure every department or employee’s marketing capability, and analyze how it different. At the meantime, exercising the cross- analysis, perceptual mapping, and combined with financial performance data for advanced applications. Based on a series of survey of all personnel from selected frim, results demonstrate that company and every sector have their advantage in different marketing capability attributes, and exist variation in dissimilar groups. Besides, different sectors’ relative orientation in marketing capability attributes will imply managers can map out the strategic positioning of every unit. Further, these results show that there some divergence between marketing capability score and financial performance, which implied there still have room for improvement.論文使用權限: 不同意授權行銷能耐指標資源基礎理論動態能力觀點知覺定位圖殯葬業Marketing Capability IndexPerceptual mapResource-based theoryDynamic capability viewFuneral industry行銷能耐指標研究-以某生命禮儀公司為例Marketing Capability Index-Taking One Funeral Company as an Examplethesis10.6342/NTU201600434