臺灣大學: 園藝學研究所張俊彥; 曹幸之薛雅純Hsueh, Ya-ChunYa-ChunHsueh2013-03-212018-06-292013-03-212018-06-292012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/250393在都市中成長兒童的學業成就不佳常被歸因於自我調節失敗,自我調節是一種對行為、情緒、及衝動能自我控制的能力,但現今證據皆指向自我調節是一項有限的資源,資源耗盡會導致自我調節失敗,而兒童自我調節能力的好壞與個人往後的人際關係及社會成就息息相關,因此如何恢復這有限的資源,進而提升兒童自我調節能力是一項重要的議題。自我調節被認為是屬於注意力控制的功能之一,且與注意力是使用同一資源,這種能力與注意力一樣,都會因過度使用而耗損,因休息而恢復,因此推論能使注意力恢復的恢復性環境也能恢復自我調節資源。本研究主要的目的即探討自然景觀與都市景觀是否對自我調節資源恢復有不同的影響,而不同的觀看時間是否影響其恢復效果,以及景觀類型是否影響自我調節資源恢復所需的時間。實驗將受試者隨機分派至自我調節條件(耗損組、無耗損組)、景觀類型條件(自然、都市)及觀看時間條件(3分鐘、6分鐘、10分鐘),受試者進行自我調節第一項作業使自我調節資源消耗後,隨即觀看不同景觀類型的照片,依組別分別觀看3分鐘、6分鐘、及10分鐘,在進行自我調節第二項作業以檢測自我調節資源恢復情形。實驗結果發現自然景觀對自我調節資源恢復的效益較都市景觀佳,對受試者而言,觀看自然景觀時間越久,自我調節資源恢復越佳,而觀看都市景觀的時間越久,自我調節資源恢復效益越差。耗損組觀看自然景觀6分鐘,其擠壓把手持續度便可與無耗損組同,但若觀看都市景觀,無論看多久,都不能使自我調節資源恢復,甚至使無耗損組自我調節資源耗損。因此觀看自然景觀對國小學童自我調節能力有正面影響。Children growing up in the inner city are at risk of academic underachievement that often reflects failures of self-regulation.Recent evidence suggests that failures at self-regulation occur because self-regulation is a limited resource that can easily be depleted by a host of different self-control activities. Self-regulation capacity of children plays an important role of interpersonal relationship and social achievement in their future life. So how to replenish the limited resources once they are temporarily depleted and how to strengthen the important capacity are very important issues. This experiment was designed to evaluate whether different type of landscapes and the length of exposure time have different impact on replenishment degree of self-regulatory resources, and whether nature and urban views can affect the length of time which takes to fully restoration. To these aims, participants were randomly assigned to a self-regulatory condition (depletion or non-depletion), a pictures of landscapes condition (nature or urban), and interval condition (3, 6, and 10 minutes). After first self-regulatory task which depleted their limited resources, participants then exposed to pictures of nature or urban settings in different exposure time period. Finally, they completed the second task of self-regulation to examine their replenishment effects. The findings of this study suggest that viewing natural pictures can replenish the self-regulatory resources of subjects better than urban pictures, and the longer exposure to natural pictures, the better replenishment effects in participants. In addition, the self-regulatory capacity of depleted group closed to non-depleted group after viewing natural pictures for 6 minutes, that reduces the time needs to become fully restored. In sum, natural views have positive effects on restoring elementary students’ self-regulation capacities.140 bytestext/htmlen-US恢復性環境自我調節耗損資源restorative environmentsself-regulationdepletionresources自然與都市景觀對國小學童自我調節的影響The Effects of Nature and Urban Views on the Elementary Students’ Self-Regulationthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/250393/1/index.html