臺灣大學: 職業醫學與工業衛生研究所詹長權林燕柔Lin, Yen-JouYen-JouLin2013-04-162018-06-292013-04-162018-06-292012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/257769背景:根據國內外文獻指出,燃煤火力發電廠會排放大量之砷、汞污染物,並且附著在懸浮微粒上,直接或間接危害人體健康。在台灣之電力供應逾兩成仰賴台中燃煤火力發電廠,伴隨之污染物排放量亦高,但這些污染物對附近居民之暴露狀況的研究仍然有限。本研究之目的係針對燃煤火力發電廠排放之砷及汞,評估與電廠不同距離周邊居民尿中砷、汞濃度之差異並探討其與空氣濃度之關係。 方法:本研究以台中燃煤火力發電廠為主,根據距離及上下風定義高(HE)、低暴露區(LE),分別為五公里內之鄰近社區HE1、下風處社區HE2和五公里外之上風處社區LE2;隨機選取273位20-65歲之社區居民,以問卷調查方式收集居民的個人資料、與金屬暴露相關因子;並收集兩次尿液樣本(2009年與2011年),以感應耦合電漿質譜儀(ICP-MS)測定尿中砷、汞濃度。此外亦利用Harvard Impactor進行高、低暴露區空氣懸浮微粒PM10和PM2.5採樣,PM10中之砷濃度則同樣透過ICP-MS分析。所取得之資料先採用Student’s t test、ANOVA、ANCOVA來判斷生物偵測和環境偵測在區域間之差別,另以複迴歸模式來探討在進一步控制干擾因子之後,區域間是否仍然有差異。 結果:本研究所選取之273位居民中男性有125位、女性有148位;平均年齡為43.55±12.64歲;平均居住年數為28.94±17.13年;有83位在HE1、115位在HE2、75位在LE2。這些居民於2011年之尿砷幾何平均濃度分別為HE1:87.35 (2.58) μg/g creatinine、HE2:65.48 (2.28) μg/g creatinine、LE2:57.28 (2.18) μg/g creatinine;尿汞幾何平均濃度則分別為HE1:1.78 (2.16) μg/g creatinine、HE2:1.04 (2.05) μg/g creatinine、LE2:0.88 (2.04) μg/g creatinine。在距離電廠較近區域、年齡較高、居住年數較久和教育程度較低之居民尿中砷濃度有顯著較高之情形;在距離電廠較近區域、女性、年齡較高、教育程度較低、無抽菸、和食用大部分當地生產魚肉之居民尿中汞濃度有顯著較高之情形。經ANCOVA及複迴歸模式校正干擾因子之後,HE1居民之尿中As、Hg濃度仍有顯著高於其他兩社區居民。空氣懸浮微粒採樣結果顯示,受影響風向時高暴露區PM10中之砷濃度顯著高於低暴露區之趨勢,平均濃度分別為。HE1:1.45±0.68 ng/m3、HE2:2.49±0.96 ng/m3、LE2:0.76±0.27 ng/m3。 結論:居住於燃煤火力發電廠半徑五公里內高暴露區居民之尿中砷、汞濃度顯著高於五公里外之低暴露區居民。Background:Previous studies have shown coal-fired power plants emitted arsenic (As) and mercury (Hg) into environment but studies on the extent of human exposures to these pollutants in their surrounding areas are limited. This study aimed to use the biological markers of urine arsenic and mercury to evaluate adult’s exposures to As and Hg living near a big coal-power plant in Taiwan and identify personal and environmental factors associated with the exposures. Methods:Based on wind direction and distance to a coal-fired power plant, our study areas includes two downwind high exposure areas (HE1 and HE2) within 5 km radius of the power plant, and a upwind low exposure area (LE2) outside the 5 km radius of the power plant. A total of 273 adults, aged 20 to 65 years, were randomly sampled from the HE and LE areas. Personal information and potential metal-related exposure factors were collected by questionnaire. The first morning urine specimen was collected twice form each person in 2009 and 2011, and the levels of urinary As and Hg were determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). Ambient PM10 and PM2.5 were sampled by Harvard Impactor, and arsenic in PM10 was analyzed by ICP-MS. The bio-monitoring and ambient air sampling data in these different areas were compared by Student’s t test, ANOVA and ANCOVA. Multiple regressions were applied to determine difference in urine As and Hg among areas adjusting for personal factors. Results:Among the 273 adults aged at 43.55±12.64 years that were in this study, there are 125 males and 148 females, and in 83 subjects in HE1, 115 subjects HE2 and 75 subjects in LE2. The geometric means of urinary As were 87.35 (2.58) μg/g creatinine in HE1, 65.48 (2.28) μg/g creatinine in HE2, and 57.28 (2.18) μg/g creatinine in LE2, respectively, for study subjects in 2011. The geometric means of urinary Hg were 1.78 (2.16) μg/g creatinine in HE1, 1.04 (2.05) μg/g creatinine in HE2, and 0.88 (2.04) μg/g creatinine in LE2, respectively. Urinary As and Hg levels in HE1 were significantly higher than those in LE2. Higher urinary As levels were associated with subject’s distance to power plant, age, length of residence, and lack of education. Higher Hg levels were associated with subject’s distance to the power plant, gemder (female), age, lower education, non-smoking status and consumption of local fish. After adjusted for those confounders by ANCOVA and multiple regression, levels of urinary As and Hg in HE1 were still significantly higher than those in HE2 and LE2. The concentrations of As in PM10 were 1.45±0.68 ng/m3 in HE1, 2.49±0.96 ng/m3 in HE2, 0.76±0.27 ng/m3 in LE2, respectively. Conclusion:Adult residents living within 5 km radius of a coal-fired power plant had significantly higher urinary As and Hg concentrations than those living beyond 5 km radius.3050204 bytesapplication/pdfen-US燃煤火力發電廠尿液砷尿液汞PM10暴露評估Coal-fired power plantUrinary arsenicUrinary mercuryExposure assessment燃煤火力發電廠周遭地區成人尿中砷及汞濃度之研究Urinary Levels of Arsenic and Mercury in Adults Living near a Coal-fired Power Plantthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/257769/1/ntu-101-R99841017-1.pdf