2019-04-252024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/678114摘要:本計畫將著重於氧化著色材料和高分子電解質的開發。在氧化著色材料的選擇上,預計使用的普魯士藍(Prussian blue, PB)為過鍍金屬錯合物材料之代表,藉由改善合成製程的方法製備出奈米粒子之普魯士藍,以旋轉塗佈法在導電玻璃上達到均勻表面的薄膜。其次,與核能所提供之還原著色氧化鎢(WO3)薄膜作搭配,組合具有良好變色特性之互補式電致色變元件(Complementary electrochromic device),本計畫將研究電致色變材料的變色機制,並嘗試降低元件操作所需之驅動電壓,預期能改善其光學穿透度變化量、著去色時間,以及元件穩定度。最後,嘗試合成新型高分子離子液體(Polymeric ionic liquid, PIL),採用電紡織法製備奈米纖維結構的固態電解質,並將其導入電致色變元件,研究高分子奈米纖維結構的固態電解質對電致色變元件的影響,以期達到高穿透度調幅(Transmittance attenuation)和良好的電化學穩定性。 <br> Abstract: This project would focus on an oxidic coloring material and a polymer electrolyte. In the option of the oxidic coloring material, Prussian blue (PB) was chosen because of it is a representative material for the transition metal complex. By optimizing the synthesis process, the nanoparticles-based Prussian blue (NP-PB) will be prepared and the uniform thin film is expected to form on the conductive electrode surface by using the spin coating method. The anodically coloring PB thin film will be coupled with the cathodically coloring tungsten (VI) oxide (WO3) thin film obtained from INER to fabricate a complementary electrochromic device (ECD). Through better understanding the electrochromic mechanism involved in the EC materials and reducing the driving voltage of operation, it is expected to improve the optical transmittance change, response time, and stability. Finally, we will synthesize a novel polymeric ionic liquid (PIL) and adopt electrospinning process to prepare a polymer-based solid-state electrolyte to achieve high transmittance attenuation with good electrochemical stability for the proposed ECD.電致色變元件電紡高分子離子液體普魯士藍氧化鎢electrochromic deviceelectrospinning processpolymeric ionic liquidprussian bluetungsten (VI) oxide,低驅動電壓電致變色元件之新型電解質研究