2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714727Introduction The Department of Sociology at National Taiwan University (NTU) is the top-ranking institute for sociological education and research in Taiwan. With a history that spans half a century, the Department is home to an internationally renowned scholarship that leads the country in producing analyses with a comparative, regional, and Taiwanese focus. The work of the faculty is diverse both in terms of the substantive research areas and methodological approaches. The Department’s expertise in a variety of theories, methods, and empirical research is unparalleled in the Chinese-speaking world. Our faculty is noted for their contributions to the fields of international migration, medical technology, welfare state, social movements, labour market, education, political and economic development, consumption, gender studies, digital games, religion, and East Asian middle classes. Collaborating with the Institute of Sociology at Academia Sinica, the Department edits and publishes Taiwanese Sociology—one of the premier sociological journals in the Chinese-speaking world. Our faculty also serves on the editorial board of the international journal of East Asian Science, Technology, and Society. Our strengths in research and teaching are continually attested by our receipt of some of academia’s most prestigious awards. Notable recognitions awarded to our faculty include National Science Council Distinguished Research Awards, National Taiwan University Outstanding Instructor Awards, and Academia Sinica Young Scholar Awards. Our academic reputation is matched by extensive public commitment. Many of faculty members have been active since the heyday of Taiwan’s democratization movement, and continue to be involved in women’s movement groups, immigrant rights groups, labour and environmental organisations, as well as providing advice to policymakers. Of them, faculty members have collaborated to implement deliberative democracy for general public to take part in policy debate, and such form of public involvement has been influential in government policymaking. But above all, Taiwan’s position at the crossroads of Eastern and Western cultures, Northeast and Southeast Asia, and its distinct experiences as a newly democratised and industrialised country — with all its dynamism in social, political and economic life — have been a source of much intellectual ferment. The country’s exceptionally diverse environment, coupled with our world-class training, has moulded the uniquely global, regional, and local perspectives that our Sociology Department is famous for.台大社會系創立於民國49年7月。當時有四大設系目的,分別是培植社會問題研究專才、培養社會行政人才、提高我國社會學之國際地位、和倡導社會研究風氣。在辦學目標上,期待能培養學生的高深學問、高尚品德、恢弘氣度和遠大理想。後來因應社會發展及培養專業社會工作人員的需求,乃在民國62學年度經教育部核准,分成社會學和社會工作兩組教學,七十學年度獲准分組招生。民國63年獲教育部核准成立碩士班,分成理論社會學與應用社會學兩組。民國75學年度又增設理論社會學組博士班。一直到民國91學年度,為配合社會工作研究之專業化分工,以及因應國家社會福利發展的人力需求,社會工作組獨立成為社會工作學系與社會工作研究所。 多年來持續不懈的經營發展下,本系目前共有20位專任教師(包括1中研院合聘教授一名,與國發所合聘教授一名),學生人數包含碩博士班約270人。隨著畢業生人數的增加,本系也於民國85年成立系友會,後因應社工獨立成系,系友會更名為「台大社會學暨社會工作學系系友會」。為促進社會學之研究與發展,本系於民國52年創立發行《台灣大學社會學刊》。民國九十年這份刊物與中研院社會所之《台灣社會學研究》合併,改名為《台灣社會學》,一年出版兩期,深獲國內外學界之肯定。SociologyAcademic Institute