2010-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714176摘要:本研究計畫針對台灣水資源與能源問題,研發以微波輔助製成之環境友善材料,去除水體中之重金屬與硼,進而進行氧化鈦奈米管之改質,探討成為進階綠色能源材料之潛力。以微波能輔助製造氧化鈦奈米管,可因微波能的強弱分為低(70W)、中(400W)與高(700W)瓦數三種,其特性會因些微條件不同而有所差異。氧化鈦奈米管在大多環境條件下具負電性而益於吸附重金屬陽離子,用以去除水體中重金屬污染。並試將導電高分子PANI與氧化鈦奈米管結合,製作具儲存能量之綠色能源材料,應用於生物感應器,偵測人體中微生素C與多巴胺等含量,評估對人體健康之影響。幾丁聚醣除可單純用於吸附劑外,可研發製作氧化鎂/幾丁聚醣複合材料(MgOC),中性環境下,幾丁聚醣游離態氨基可與金屬離子產生螯合作用;在酸性環境下,氨基帶正電可吸引金屬陰離子,可應用於海淡廠一段薄膜處理後有效降低水體中硼之濃度。三層模式(Triple-Layer Model)可用以模擬吸附劑與吸附質之間的表面吸附現象,本研究擬用FITEQL程式軟體模擬氧化鈦奈米管與污染物之表面錯合現象,了解進階之吸附原理與機制。 以微波輔助製成環境友善之材料,可提升整體製程效率,製作出更具優良性質之新興綠色科技材料,兼具經濟效率與環境保護二者,進而去除環境汙染。 <br> Abstract: The project is planned to deal with water resource management and hybrid (Inorganic-organic composite) nanomaterials development for bio-sensor and green energy applications. To develop the economic and environmental friendly adsorbents for removal of heavy metal and boron pollutants from water resources by utilizing microwave techniques is one of the challenging tasks. Microwave assisted hydrothermal heating method produced sodium titanate nanotubes (TNTs) are classified into low (70 W), medium (400W) and high (700 W). The zero point charge of TNTs is determined and observed at pH of 3.0. Titanate nanotubes are negatively charged and exist with mixed rutile and anatase phase composition and its high surface area could help to adsorb the selective heavy metal ion at suitable sorption conditions. Doping of conducting polymer like polyaniline (PANI) with titanates nanotube by microwave hydrothermal heating method could produce the hybrid nanocomposite materials for biosensor applications. The titanates nantubes-PANI nanocomposites are used to sense the biomedically important compounds such as glucose oxidase, dopamine and ascorbic acid. Dopamine and ascorbic acid are compounds of great biomedical and neurochemical interest and its playing a potential role in human metabolism. The PANI-manganese oxide nanorods/wires could be synthesized by using microwave hydrothermal heating method. The synthesized hybrid nanocomposites materials (PANI-titanates and PANI-manganese oxide nanorods/wires) could be used to test for possible electrochemical applications. The other part of the project deal with development of Magnesium oxide-chitosan composite materials, which is amino free compound and it can chelate metal ions at neutral conditions and also adsorb the metal anions at acid conditions. The magnesium oxide-chitosan composite material is employed to reduce the boron concentration after the first membrane treatment of desalination plants in Taiwan. The triple-layer model can be applied to model the adsorption behavior on the surface of the adsorbent. In this project FITEQL software is applied to simulate the surface complexation phenomen on TNTs sorbents. The sorption mechanism of heavy metal ions on TNTs sorbent , surface strucutures, negative charge perturbations of TNTs are plan to exploit by using FITEQL software. Microwave techniques assisted hybrid nanomaterials are cost effective, environmental friendly and efficient for green energy applications.微波誘發環境友善資材之研發與應用Development and Application of Microwave Induced Environmental Friendly Materials微波誘發環境友善資材之研發與應用