2008-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/704543摘要:本研究經過第一期的規劃與第二期的基礎研究,本期研究聚焦於「以社區為基礎的行動研究」(community-based action research, CBAR)。整個研究案仍將分6個組,包含:健康照顧、社會照顧與社會參與、經濟安全、就業與志工、住宅、交通運輸與溝通,連同總計畫計21個子計畫。 而為了提供各分組有關高齡社會的需求、期待、價值、因應態度、資源分配、代間關係等資料,本研究上一期已完成「不同世代對於老年生活的需求、服務提供以及價值偏好的調查研究」的大型問卷調查,作為各組規劃後續研究及相關服務系統的基礎資料。為了延續大型問卷調查的資料運用,本期將進一步選擇台南縣西港鄉、台北縣板橋市進行「以社區為基礎的行動研究」,實地瞭解老人在社區的社會生活狀況,並進行小規模的老人生活問題解決的規劃與行動介入。根據此行動介入的評鑑結果,擴大適用到其他社區,作為我國因應高齡社會來臨的「以證據為基礎的政策」(evidence-based policy)(Pawson,2006)制訂的參考依據。 人口老化是一個多面向的過程,涉及生理、心理、家庭關係、社會關係、就業、生活安排、經濟安排等。針對高齡社會的需求,西方工業先進國家的學者的研究已相當豐富。其中又以經濟安全、健康與社會照顧、居住安排與住宅、就業、教育、交通、溝通、休閒娛樂等議題最受關切。如果我們不迎頭趕上,將高齡社會相關議題加以整合地研究,我們將無法有效因應一轉眼即將到來的高齡社會。因此,本整合型研究的目的是將我國人口老化相關的議題進行全面性的探討;進一步,進入以社區為基礎的行動研究,俾利進行老人生活問題解決的城鄉差異比較,以利政府擬訂相關政策的參考,以及作為開發相關科技產業的依據。終極目的是建立一個健康、安全、活力、尊嚴的高齡社會。 <br> Abstract: This integrated research project includes six mini integrated researches: health care, social care and social participation, economic security, employment and volunteer, housing, transportation and communication, each of them are highly related to the older people who live in the coming aged society by the year 2025. The dramatic increase of older people presents an immediate challenge to social scientists. Many professionals, such as social workers, nurses, city planners, architects, must intensify their focus on late life and intergenerational interdependencies, as well as the impact of the demographic revolution on the structure of the family. This integrated research is to prepare a comprehensive planning for the coming aged society in Taiwan by the year 2025. The study fields include social and health care for older people, income maintenance for older people, creating enabling environments for older people, ergonomic research in aging for the 21st century Taiwan workforce, and transportation for older people. Based on the larger sample survey on the ageing body, ageing mind, the ageing self, the ageing of relationships and policies and provisions for older people conducted by this research team in the last year, this following three years project will conduct a community-based action research (CBAR). Shikang in Tainan county and Banciao in Taipei county will be the two selected research communities. The six research groups will be incorporated into this CBAR.高齡社會長期照顧老人住宅銀髮產業銀髮人力Aging societyLong-term carePensionAgeing workforce高齡社會的來臨:為2025年的台灣社會規劃之整合研究-總計畫