王俊傑(Chun Chieh Wang)陳達仁(Dar Zen Chen)2018-09-102018-09-102015http://www.airitilibrary.com/Publication/Index/05781434-201509-201601260005-201601260005-224-242http://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/393066植物工廠是近代農業的高階發展也是臺灣目前積極推動的農業發展議題,為了掌握植物工廠的技術發展近況以及「監控系統」與「栽培設施」兩領域的技術發展前沿,本研究透過專利計量方法建立植物工廠知識架構分類,並以臺灣及日本專利為標的進行兩國植物工廠專利趨勢以及「監控系統」與「栽培設施」的技術前沿分析。結果發現臺、日植物工廠技術發展均以「栽培技術」、「栽培設施」為主,而「監控系統」與「培養液」兩國專利件數均較低,顯示臺灣與日本在植物工廠技術發展的方向接近。日本在「監控系統」的次領域技術前沿發展集中在「光照監控」較為熱絡,近年技術發展尤以「光照波長(植物、防蟲)」、「光照強度控制(以控制器或透射比率)」及「光週期控制」為主。而「栽培設施」次領域的技術前沿發展是臺灣以「栽培容器」的「單一植栽體」與「多植栽體」技術發展熱絡,而日本則以「光源」的「光導薄膜」、「發光裝置」、「LED照明」、「透過移動控制光照」以及「照明裝置防蟲」等技術發展較為熱絡。由於國內植物工廠專利權人較多個人或大學,因此建議未來臺灣廠商可尋求技術互補的國內個人或大學為技術合作之對象。The plant factory is an important agricultural topic in Taiwan. In order to understand the technological developments in the field of plant factories, this paper establishes a knowledge ontology of the plant factory based on the F-Term classification of the Japan Patent Office. It also analyzes the technology development trends and technology front for the "Monitoring System" and "Cultivation Facilities" fields of plant factories by using patent data from Taiwan and Japan. The results show that "Cultivation Techniques" and "Cultivation Facilities" for plant factories, with the highest patent counts, were the major developing fields, while "Monitoring System" and "Nutrient Solution" had lower patent counts in Taiwan and Japan. These results imply that Taiwan and Japan have similar technology development directions in the field of plant factories. From the technology front analysis of "Monitoring System", it is found that in recent years Japan has focused on "Light Monitor," especially in the subfields of "Light Wavelength," "Light Intensity Control" and "Photoperiodic Control." From the technology front analysis of "Cultivation Facilities," it is found that Taiwan has focused on "Cultivate Container", especially in the "Single-planting Body" and "Multi-planting Body" subfields, whereas Japan has focused on "Light Source", especially in the subfields of "Photoconductive Film", "Lighting Device", "LED Lighting", "Control Light through the Mobile" and "Illuminating Insect Prevention." Most Taiwanese patent assignees related to plant factories are either individuals or universities, so companies in Taiwan's plant factory industry could collaborate with individuals or universities to develop this technology.植物工廠 ; 垂直農場 ; 專利計量 ;技術前沿 ;Plant Factory ; Vertical Farm ; Pantentometrics ; Patent Bibliometrics ; Technology Front植物工廠專利趨勢與技術前沿分析journal article10.6730/JAAT.201509_16(3).0003