2016-04-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/697798摘要:在各項與自由貿易相關的經濟協定日趨複雜的情勢下,這項子計畫將透過 “實驗性問卷” 的方式,了解其他國家簽定協議的動態如何影響國內民眾的政策偏好。 由於各項自由貿易協定對許多國家的衝擊與利弊得失不盡相同,這些國家民眾對於加入各項自由貿易協定的反應,可能也對台灣民眾的政策偏好造成不同的影響。透過將受訪者分為實驗組與對照組的研究設計,我們可以驗證不同資訊對於民眾偏好的影響,進而了解形成民眾政策偏好的關鍵因素。資訊可包含其他國家對於各項自由貿易的簽訂與評估,或是其他國家民眾對於TPP的抗議與支持。我們也計畫不只在台灣國內進行實驗性問卷,也將與其他國家學者合作,在日本與韓國同時進行研究,比較不同國家對於類似訊息的反應是否有差異,進而瞭解民眾貿易政策偏好形成的主要因素。<br> Abstract: As free trade agreements are getting more and more complicated, information from various sources may be influential on individuals’ attitudes toward various trade agreements with other countries. Influential information may not only include predictions of the impacts of free-trade agreements, but also include the dynamic information from other countries which have signed more trade agreements. In this project, we plan to implement experimental surveys in Taiwan, Japan, and Korea to investigate how foreign news information such as China-Korea trade agreements affects individual preferences of trade agreements in Taiwan and Japan. As many countries are facing forthcoming impacts from TPP, we will also look at the effects of positive and negative reactions to TPP in other countries on preferences towards TPP in Taiwan.貿易政策偏好訊息流通媒體影響自由貿易協定Trade policy preferenceinformation diffusionMedia influenceFree trade agreement優勢重點領域拔尖計畫【子計畫 5 新聞訊息流動與全球化政策偏好】