臺灣大學: 電機工程學研究所魏宏宇黃任平Huang, Jen-PingJen-PingHuang2013-03-272018-07-062013-03-272018-07-062011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/254121網際網路上不斷推陳出新的社群網路平台提供了網路使用者更豐富且複雜的互動環境。有別於傳統的訊息傳播系統,在線上社群網路中,使用者能在傳遞原本的訊息時,同時為此則訊息加上自己的想法、評論、或甚至提供更多相關的資訊,以分享給更多人。這種現象使得訊息傳播的過程會受到使用者之間的互動所影響,因而有別於在傳統的訊息傳播系統中,使用者只扮演單純的傳遞角色。為了分析訊息在線上社群網路中的傳播情形,我們參考近期文獻中所討論的線上社群網路的特性,並建立程式蒐集Twitter社群網路平台的實際訊息傳播資料進行觀察。根據參考文獻以及觀察實際資料所得之結果,我們為線上社群網路的訊息傳遞系統建立了賽局理論模型,並使用奈許均衡的觀念來求賽局理論模型的均衡解和相對應的存在條件與均衡特性。根據我們求得之奈許均衡解的結果,對原始訊息有較高的興趣的網路使用者,會願意提供較多的額外資訊來充實原始的訊息並分享給其他使用者。另一方面,我們也由奈許均衡解解釋了從實際資料觀察到的現象。我們更進一步分析了Twitter社群網路平台所推出的Retweet功能鍵對Twitter社群網路中訊息傳播行為的影響。我們發現Retweet功能鍵的推出能使得訊息傳遞的成本降低,讓訊息能更容易的傳播到更多使用者,卻減少了願意提供額外資訊以豐富原始資訊的使用者人數。The emergence of online social network platforms enable users to exchange and diffuse information in a more complex way. Different from being just a relay as in traditional diffusion system, online social network users can even append their ideas on the original message timely and share to other people when they decide to join the diffusion process. As a result, the users may interact in a different way resulting in a diffusion process different from traditional ones. In this paper, we first collect the data from twitter and observe the diffusion process. We find that the communicable environment provided by online social network platforms plays an important role in the process of information diffusion, and thus we introduce a graphical game model to analyze the diffusion system. In our model, we find the Nash equilibrium solutions and discover that users with higher valuation to the original information are welling to make more effort to enrich it. Our game theoretical analysis results show that the equilibrium strategy sets of our model obtain the characteristic which is also observed in the collected data, and can also explain the virtuous cycle consisting of peer adoption and engagement behaviors of social network users. Finally, we apply our model to analyze Twitter network and discuss about the properties of the corresponding equilibrium outcomes.964945 bytesapplication/pdfen-US社群網路訊息傳播Twitter賽局理論奈許均衡Retweetsocial networkinformation diffusiongame theorygraphical game線上社群網路之訊息擴散賽局模型分析Game Theoretical Analysis for Information Diffusion over Online Social Networksthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/254121/1/ntu-100-R98921033-1.pdf