臺灣大學: 政治學研究所蕭全政吳芸臻Wu, Yun-ChenYun-ChenWu2013-03-292018-06-282013-03-292018-06-282011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/254274本文以整合性的政經分析為研究觀點,認為金融監理制度是國家機關體現其金融監理思維之重要制度性面向。結構化下的國家機關在1949年到2011年間,其金融監理思維呈現「嚴格管制」、「去管制」以及「再管制」等三階段轉變,而金融監理制度也隨之出現三階段變革。文中依國家機關不同時期之金融監理思維,分析金融監理制度於不同時期發生變革之因果關係。 從戰後至解嚴前,因應國際冷戰結構以及國內威權體制,國家機關持嚴格管制監理思維,其金融監理思維僅著重「監督」概念,且其於此時期建立金融監理制度之原型。符合整體政經合理化方向之金融監理制度,表現出多元化功能分工之特性。 解嚴後,國家機關除了面臨國際冷戰終結以及金融全球化結構的成形,其對內也須因應民間社會勢力崛起的挑戰,於是其金融監理思維中出現「管理」概念,具引導金融產業發展之傾向。同期間,因金融監理制度原型與整體結構合理化方向相違,國家機關乃就金融檢查分工進行多次調整,並提出金融監理制度之一元化改革構想,但一元化改革因政黨輪替而延續到2000年後的再管制時期。 於2000年後的再管制時期,國家機關為求生存發展,被迫進一步對外開放金融領域,又因前一時期未能完成金融監理制度之改革,此時期的國家機關,也面臨須將其金融監理思維之「監督」與「管理」兩概念體現於金融監理制度之壓力。而此時期金融監理制度之一元化改革以金管會成立為主要成果,但受到兩次金融改革過程之影響,農委會農業金融局出現,使得改革後的金融監理制度依舊存在多元單位間功能特性,而隱含著發現金融問題到針對金融問題進行處分之間的時間落差,使金融監理制度的一元化變革不符預期。There are three different periods that can represent the state''s attitude to financial supervisory from 1949 to 2011. Those three periods are “regulation”, “de-regulation” and “re-regulation”. In the meantime, the state not only shows its attitude but also shapes the financial supervisory system. The reason for the state to establish and reform the financial supervisory system is that the state has to respond the shifting of structure. After World War II, the attitude of the state was “regulation”. In this period, it was the first time that the state builds financial supervisory system. The financial supervisory system’s feature was multiple functional divisions. Untill 1987, the cold war was over, financial globalization was beginning, and the power of the society rised, the state’s “regulation” attitude was challenged. The state put “management conception” in its attitude. Meanwhile, the state had to adjust the financial supervisory system. The state came up with unified reform idea, but this reform didn’t succeed. After 2000, the state’s attitude became “re-regulation”. The state reformed financial supervisory system to a unified system in this period. This reform was caused by the change of the structure. The Financial Supervisory Commission was set up; however, the state also set up National Conference of Agricultural Finance. The establishment of those two agencies didn’t match the expectation of the unified reform. The financial supervisory system still has multiple functional divisions.1502492 bytesapplication/pdfen-US國家機關金融監理制度金管會the statefinancial supervisory systemfinancial supervisory commision台灣金融監理制度變革之政治經濟分析,1949-2011The Political Economy of Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory System Reforms, 1949-2011thesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/254274/1/ntu-100-R96322039-1.pdf