生物資源暨農學院: 園藝暨景觀學系指導教授: 林晏州張嘉云Chang, Chia-YunChia-YunChang2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/277779隨著都市的快速發展加劇都市熱島效應,以及密集的交通及建設影響,都市公園便成為都市民眾從事戶外活動的重要空間。本研究目的在了解都市公園實質環境屬性對於微氣候及熱舒適度之影響為何。以客觀的方式進行公園環境調查,量測實質環境不同屬性,包含樹種、遮蔭程度、地表類型及水體距離,並依據植栽類型及環境特徵於大安森林公園內劃分出71個樣區,共19種樹種。在微氣候及地表面溫度的部份,利用氣象站及熱顯像儀於現地收集氣溫、相對濕度、風速及地表面溫度數據。熱舒適度的部份透過問卷訪談以瞭解受訪者於當下環境之實際熱感知、舒適度及接受度評分,並考量個人特性因素(包含年齡、活動類型、活持續時間),並依據其穿著衣物材質不同來計算著衣量絕緣程度。研究共收集414份有效問卷。研究結果顯示,在實質環境屬性與地表面溫度差的部份,樹種、地表類型、遮蔭程度對於地表面溫度差均具有顯著影響,其中遮蔭程度與地表面溫度差具顯著負相關;在實質環境屬性與微氣候的部份,樣區、樹種、地表類型及遮蔭程度對於平均氣溫差、平均濕度差及平均風速差均具有顯著影響,而遮蔭程度僅與平均氣溫差具有顯著負相關,與平均濕度差具有顯著正相關;在微氣候與熱舒適度方面,當氣溫越高時感則受越暖熱,濕度越高,則感受越趨冷涼;當氣溫越高,則感覺越不舒適,能夠接受的程度越低;相對濕度越高時,能接受的程度越低。在個人特性與熱舒適度的部份,年齡、活動類型及著衣量對於熱舒適度均具有顯著影響,其中著衣量值與熱感知具有顯著負相關。Urban heat island effect enhances with the rapidness and intensity of city development. With the increasing density of traffic and construction, urban parks become an important space in people’s daily life. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of environmental attributes on microclimate and thermal comfort in an urban park. The environmental attributes include species of trees, shading degree, ground type and distance from waterscape. Considering the spatial distribution of different species of trees and different environmental characteristics, 71 zones in Daan forest park were selected, and a total of 19 species of trees were included in the study. Microclimate was measured by a weather station and the variables air temperatures, relative humidity and wind speed were obtained;ground surface temperature was measured by a thermal image camera. Thermal comfort assessment and personal characteristics were investigated by a structured questionnaire. Thermal comfort assessment included the factors thermal perception, comfort and acceptability. Personal characteristics included age, activity type, activity duration and clothing. Our study collected 414 valid samples. The results revealed that the species of trees, ground type and shading degree had significant influences on relative ground surface temperature, the higher the shading degree the lower the relative ground surface temperature. Different zones, species of trees, shading degree and ground type had significant influences on average relative air temperature, average relative humidity and average relative wind speed, the higher the shading degree, the lower the average relative air temperature and the higher the average relative humidity. In thermal comfort assessment, the higher the air temperature, the hotter the people feel, and the lower the comfort and acceptability. The higher the relative humidity, the cooler the people feel and the lower the acceptability. In personal characteristics, age, activity type and clothing (clo) had significant influences on thermal perception, comfort and acceptability, the higher the clo value, the more uncomfortable the people feel.11376690 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2017/8/3論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)遮蔭程度戶外熱環境地表面溫度Shading degreeOutdoor thermal environmentGround surface temperature[SDGs]SDG13[SDGs]SDG15都市公園環境屬性對於微氣候及熱舒適度之影響The effect of environmental attributes on microclimate and thermal comfort in an urban parkthesis10.6342/NTU201601693http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/277779/1/ntu-105-R03628316-1.pdf