臺灣大學: 資訊管理學研究所曹承礎李浩瑜Lee, Hao-YuHao-YuLee2013-03-222018-06-292013-03-222018-06-292012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/251104隨著數位匯流與基礎建設的成熟,行動內容的價值對行動裝置製造商、電信業者與消費者皆日趨重要。2007年iPhone與Android手機上市後,行動商務生態改變:行動服務平台從由電信業者主導轉向由網際網路為基礎的公司主導。近代行動平台的興起改變了行動內容的價值網路,各類型內容服務開發複雜度降低、得以蓬勃發展。本研究以相關文獻、具公信力的次級資料、輔以個案研討方式,了解行動內容的發展歷程、探討近代行動平台,進而提出供內容提供者發展其內容策略的CPSF架構。 研究對近代行動平台的四個平台領導者-iOS、Android、BlackBerry OS和Windows等平台進行分析,從平台領導者的均衡槓桿以及規格競爭的關鍵資源角度切入,分成「作業系統與開發」、「行動軟體市場」、「電腦與其他網路資源」、「合作夥伴與策略聯盟」以及「其他關鍵資源」等五個構面,探討其競爭優勢、資源應用和未來可能的發展方向。總結近代行動平台營運法則,是:平台標準求同,而內容生產求異,達到網路效應和鎖定效果。此外,現階段平台提供者各自有其產品特點和資源,研究認為行動平台極可能出現Winner-Takes-All市場結構。 進一步為內容提供者建構一套發展行動內容服務之工具—CPSF架構,並以個案M驗証其應用可行性。CPSF架構流程分為五大步驟:1)行動內容服務產生與分析;2)外部環境分析;3)行動內容服務策略發展;4)行動平台與內容服務評估;和5)行動內容服務修正。結合眾多具理論基礎且已被廣泛應用於實務界的工具,包含「商業模式畫布」、「TOWS矩陣」、「品質機能展開」和「四項行動架構」等,將策略發展流程變成系統化架構,以供內容提供者參考。此外,架構亦適用於其他有平台領者的產業。With digital convergence and mature infrastructures, mobile device manufacturers, carriers and consumers gain more value from mobile contents. Since 2007 when iPhones and Android phones were released, the ecosystem of mobile platform altered: from telecom-centric model to service-centric model. The recent mobile platforms changed the value network of the mobile content industry, and the complexity of developing a mobile application also decreased. The research attempts to understand the backgrounds of mobile contents and the recent mobile platforms, and to provide a CPSF framework for content providers to formulate their strategies, by means of literatures, secondary data and case studies. The research analyzes four mobile platform leaders: iOS, Android, BlackBerry OS and Windows Phone. Through the perspectives of the levers for platform leadership and of the key resources for standard wars, the dimensions are divided into “Operating System and Development”, “Mobile App Market”, “PC and other network resources”, “Partnership and Alliance” and “Other key resources” to realize the competitive advantages and the future trends of each. To sum up the rule of leveraging a mobile platform: standard platforms but unique contents. And although the present platform providers own different resources, the industry may result in a “winner-takes-all” structure. Furthermore, the research also provides the “CPSF framework” for content providers to formulate their strategies and applies a case M to examine the feasibility. The process of CPSF Framework has five steps: 1) mobile content generation and analysis; 2) external analysis; 3) mobile content strategy formulation; 4) evaluation the fitness between mobile platforms and contents; and 5) mobile contents revision. The framework also combines the following tools “business model canvas”, “TOWS matrix”, “QFD” and “four actions framework” to develop a systematic tool as a reference framework for content provider.1980640 bytesapplication/pdfen-US行動平台平台領導者行動內容內容提供者策略形成架構mobile platformplatform leadershipmobile contentcontent providerstrategy formulation framework行動平台與內容提供者策略形成架構之研究A Study of Mobile Platform and Strategy Formulation Framework for Content Providersthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/251104/1/ntu-101-R98725025-1.pdf