臺灣大學: 地理環境資源學研究所周素卿賴柏志Lai, Po-ChihPo-ChihLai2013-03-212018-06-282013-03-212018-06-282011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/248030師大商圈近年快速擴張,不同類型的店家與客群相互交錯影響,成為多元而雜異之消費空間。尤其是以學生與觀光客為主要客群的夜市,與在地紮根已久,具反叛與非主流消費的獨立店家間-一個具有高度流行敏銳度,一個強調非主流的獨立精神-兩者產生矛盾、碰撞與新的反應。然近年在競租與租隙效果下,無論是店家或客群,都產生了空間上的調整,以及認同的重組。此外,一些更具布爾喬亞氣息的消費族群,在「南村落」此一組織的出現下,更清楚地被指認出來,成為重塑地方的重要動力,使地方風貌的打造與形塑過程更趨複雜。本文一方面透過二手資料的收集,進一步瞭解師大商圈如何因為不同發展要素在不同時期的疊加,而成為深具文藝氣息但又不失大眾消費特質的特殊地景。再方面嘗試以仕紳化與高級化的觀點切入,說明師大商圈近期發展的樣貌,特別要討論新中產階級的進入,如何在競租過程中讓原本以小型服飾業者為優勢店家的商圈,漸次轉變為更具文化、風格與品味的地方,符膺文化政策所宣稱的「注入文化活水」,而排除了普羅與地區性的夜市型消費文化。最後將論點拉回到「人」的層面,專注於「文藝青年」此一商圈中鮮明的客群,透過一手的訪談資料,討論他們在大眾與獨立消費之間猶疑、游移而矛盾的認同,以及獨立店家與其客群在商圈快速發展與高度商業化下,所產生的空間與認同上的重組。Shida business district has expanded rapidly in recent years. Different types of stores and customers continuously affect each other and result in its diversity and distinctness. For instance, the night market represents students and tourists whereas the independent shops which have established their foundation here for a long time are well-known for a high sensitivity of fashion and stand for a spirit of non-mainstream’s rebellion. There seems to be a conflict, but it brings out a new balance after a series of collisions. Lately, with the effect of rent-seeking and rent gap, the stores and consumers both have contributed to the recasting in space and identity. On the other hand, with the appearance of the organization, South-Village, the bourgeois are more easily recognized and therefore not just become the main force for place-making but make the whole process even more complex. First, this essay applys a second-hand material to see how different elements in different phases superimpose on one another and turn Shida business district into a unique mixture of literature, art and mass consumption. Second, it examines the development with the idea of gentrification and discusses the involvement of new middle class who aim to transform this business district into a place with more cultures, styles and better sense. They try to inject a new cultural life into the place where the retail clothing industry used to play the dominant role because of rent-seeking. Last, the points go back on “ people” and focus on “Artsy Youths”, a very distinctive group among the customers in this business district. With the first-hand material, the essay deals with this group’s and public’s doubts, hesitation and paradoxical identity between mainstream and non-stream, including the spacial and identity recasting produced in such a highly commercialized business district.6598448 bytesapplication/pdfen-US商業仕紳化地方形塑地方認同文藝青年師大商圈gentrificationplace-makingplace identityArtsy YouthsShida business district商業仕紳化下的地方認同重組:以師大商圈的「文化活水」與「文藝青年」為例The Recasting of Place Identity in Commercial Gentrification: A Case Study of “Cultural Injection” and “Artsy Youths” in Shida Business Districtthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/248030/1/ntu-100-R97228018-1.pdf