指導教授:廖文亮臺灣大學:漁業科學研究所張惟寧Chang, Wei-NingWei-NingChang2014-11-302018-07-062014-11-302018-07-062014http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/263814本研究將北蟲草固態培養米基與使用80%乙醇萃取之北蟲草固態培養米基分別以不同的劑量添加於飼料中,探討對點帶石斑成長、非特異性免疫效果及血脂的影響。成長因子所檢測的項目包括增重率(Percent weight gain, PWG) 及飼料效率 (Feed effeciency, FE);非特異性免疫因子所檢測的項目包括巨噬細胞超氧陰離子(O2-)產生率、溶菌酶活性 (Lysozyme activity)和鹼性磷酸酶(Alkaline phosphatase, ALP)活性,血脂檢測三酸甘油脂及膽固醇等項目。 實驗一於飼料中添加0%、0.25%、0.5%、0.75%、1.0%及1.25%之北蟲草固態培養米基,使用平均體重約4.46±0.54 g的點帶石斑,每組15尾雙重複,飼養六週,每三週秤重一次,第六週檢測非特異性免疫及血脂。結果顯示飼料中添加0.5%蟲草培養米基的成長效果最佳,超氧陰離子(O2-)產生率以添加1.25%蟲草培養米基表現最好,溶菌酶活性以飼料中添加0.75%蟲草培養米基最高,鹼性磷酸酶活性以添加0.25%蟲草培養米基最高,三酸甘油脂隨著蟲草米基添加量增加而下降,膽固醇無顯著差異(p>0.05)。 實驗二在飼料中添加使用80%乙醇萃取北蟲草菌絲體固態培養米基0%、0.25%、0.5%、0.75%、1.0%及1.25%,使用平均體重約4.52±0.58g的魚隻,每組15尾雙重複,飼養六週,每三週秤重一次,第六週檢測非特異性免疫及血脂。結果顯示添加1%蟲草米基的成長效果最佳,超氧陰離子(O2-)產生率和溶菌酶活性皆以添加0.5%蟲草米基最高,鹼性磷酸酶活性以對照組最高,三酸甘油脂也隨著蟲草米基添加量增加而下降,添加蟲草米基組別的膽固醇均低於對照組。This research studied the dietary effect of Cordyceps militaris rice medium and 80% ethanol extract Cordyceps militaris rice medium on the growth, non-specific immune parameters and blood lipid of oranged-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides). In experiment I, the Cordyceps militaris rice medium was supplemented at 0%, 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75%, 1% and 1.25% to the basal diets. Each diet was fed to duplicate groups of fish (initial body weight: 4.46±0.54 g) for 42 days. In growth performances, the results show that the feed efficiency and percent weight gain of orange-spotted grouper fed Cordyceps militaris rice medium containing diets supplemented with 0.5% have better performance. The results of non-specific immune parameters show that the production ability of superoxide anion and lysozyme activity are higher in fish fed diets supplemented with 0.75% than other treatments. The alkaline phosphatase is higher in fish fed diets supplemented with 0.25% than other treatments. In blood lipid, the triglyceride decrease as the rice medium in diets increase. No significant differences (p>0.05) in cholesterol between experimental groups. In experiment II, the 80% ethanol extracted Cordyceps militaris rice medium was supplemented at 0%, 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75%, 1% and 1.25% to the basal diets. Each diet was fed to duplicate groups of fish (initial body weight: 4.52±0.58g) for 6 weeks. Percent weight gains and feed efficiency are higher in orange-spotted grouper fed diet containing 1% of 80% extracted ethanol Cordyceps militaris rice medium. In non-specific immune responses show that the production of superoxide anion (O2-) and lysozyme activity are higher in fish fed diets with supplemented with 0.5% extracted rice medium than other treatments. Alkaline phosphatase activity is higher in groupers fed with control diets. Triglyceride decreases as the extracted rice medium in diets increase. Groupers fed contained extracted rice medium diets have lower cholesterol than groupers fed control diets.謝辭 1 中文摘要 II Abstract III 目錄 IV 表目錄 VIII 圖目錄 IX 第一章 前言 1 第二章 文獻整理 3 點帶石斑的介紹 3 分類 3 生態習性 3 養殖現況 4 疾病 4 北蟲草的介紹 5 分類 5 研究 5 分佈及型態 6 有效成分與藥理功能 6 人工培養 7 免疫刺激物 8 免疫系統 8 血液性狀 10 研究動機與目的 10 第三章 材料方法 11 實驗一 11 條件與設計 11 實驗用添加物 11 實驗飼料配製 11 實驗二 12 條件與設計 12 一般成分分析 13 成長分析 14 增重百分比 ( Percent weight gain, PWG ) 14 飼料效率 ( Feed efficiency, FE ) 15 存活率 ( Survival rate ) 15 肝體比 ( Hematosomatic index, HSI ) 15 脾體比 ( Spleen to body ratio, SBR ) 15 免疫分析 15 血液、血清、肝臟及頭腎採集 15 分離白血球 15 超氧陰離子(O2-)測定 16 溶菌酶活性測定 16 血液生化分析 17 三酸甘油脂 ( Triglyceride, TG )測定 17 膽固醇 ( Cholesterol, Cho )測定 17 鹼性磷酸酶 ( Alkaline phosphatase, ALP ) 17 統計分析 17 第四章 結果 18 實驗一 18 飼料組成分析 18 成長表現 18 非特異性免疫及血脂結果 18 實驗二 19 飼料組成分析 19 成長表現 19 免疫及血脂分析結果 19 第五章 討論 21 飼料配方 21 飼養結果 21 免疫效果 22 血脂 23 第六章 結論 25 未來研究方向 25 參考文獻 26 附錄 491134444 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間:2019/08/25論文使用權限:同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)北蟲草培養米基點帶石斑成長免疫飼料中添加北蟲草培養米基(菌絲體)對點帶石斑的成長與免疫之影響Effects dietary with Cordyceps militaris rice medium on growth and immune responses of orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides)thesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/263814/1/ntu-103-R01b45026-1.pdf