臺灣大學: 生化科技學系莊榮輝林怡岑Lin, Yi-ChenYi-ChenLin2013-03-212018-07-062013-03-212018-07-062012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/247590蛋白質的轉譯後修飾調控了許多重要的生理機制。早期研究顯示質體型澱粉磷解酶 (L-SP) 可能受到蛋白質降解性後修飾作用所調控。本實驗室在純化L-SP的過程中,發現一高分子量、且具有L-SP活性之色帶 (簡稱HX)。本論文進一步利用免疫共沉澱與免疫螢光組織定位等方法,證明HX由L-SP與20S proteasome所組成。並且在45°C熱處理下,HX會立即消失,可觀察到L-SP隨著熱處理的時間增加,發生階段性降解的現象,這個降解作用可隨著20 proteasome的活性受到proteasome專一性抑制劑 (MG132) 的抑制,而減緩L-SP之降解,顯示20S proteasome可能參與此降解作用。以酵素動力學分析降解前後L-SP之生化性質差異,發現降解後的L-SP對於Glc-1-P的親和力下降,進而降低澱粉合成方向的活性。因此我們推測20S proteasome可能會受到熱逆境的刺激,進而以降解機制修飾L-SP,來調控L-SP催化方向之活性。 另一方面,以L-SP單株抗體進行免疫共沉澱時,意外地發現一個分子量約65 kDa的蛋白質可能也與L-SP互相結合;經LC-MS/MS定序,此蛋白質為DPE1 (D-enzyme, disproportionating enzyme, 4-alpha-glucanotransferase; EC。DPE1催化可逆性的 alpha-1,4鏈結葡聚醣之裂解與轉移反應,改變寡糖之鏈長分布。過去的研究顯示,在E coli中,malQ (DPE1同源基因) 和malP (L-SP同源基因) 位於相同的malA操作組,故推測兩者有類似的功能,可能共同作用。進一步,本論文以二維電泳 (native PAGE/SDS-PAGE)、GST pull-down assay、以及FRET-confocal microscopy為工具,證明L-SP與DPE1互相結合,形成蛋白質複合體 (SP-DPE complexes)。此外,膠體過濾法與二維電泳之結果顯示,SP-DPE complexes可能是由四個L-SP單元體與四個DPE1單元體,結合為一個分子量約為700 kDa之蛋白質複合體。以酵素動力學比較SP-DPE complexes與DPE1之間的差異,顯示SP-DPE complexes對於麥芽三糖 (maltotriose) 具有較高的親和力,而對於麥芽四糖 (maltotetraose) 則有較高的催化效率;而在SP-DPE complexes的酵素催化作用中,則觀察到基質快速轉移的現象。另外SP-DPE complexes在直徑15-20 mm大小之甘藷塊根中含量最多,顯示其與澱粉快速累積有重要的關聯性。這部份的結果顯示,在甘藷塊根的造粉體中,L-SP與DPE1可能形成蛋白質複合體,以幫助澱粉的快速累積,其生理作用可能扮演有效地回收再利用短鏈麥芽寡糖,或直接作用在短鏈分支之澱粉結構中,正確決定澱粉的結構。Post-translational regulation plays an important role in cellular metabolism. Earlier studies showed that the activity of plastidal starch phosphorylase (L-SP) may be regulated by proteolytic modification. During the purification of L-SP from sweet potato roots, an unknown high molecular weight complex (HX) showing L-SP activity was constantly observed. Its mobility was significantly slower than the typical L-SP on native PAGE. We utilized mass spectrometry, coimmunoprecipitation, Ouchterlony double immunodiffusion, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and confocal microscopy as tools to demonstrate that HX was composed of L-SP and the 20S proteasome. Furthermore, we found that the amount of HX decreased immediately after 45°C heat treatment, which caused stepwise degradation of L-SP in a time-dependent mode. This degradation process was strongly inhibited by MG132, suggesting that the 20S proteasome might be involved in L-SP degradation. In addition, kinetic studies indicated that the proteolytic modification of L-SP caused it to decrease the binding affinity toward Glc-1-P and subsequently reduced its starch-synthesizing activity. This work demonstrates the role of the 20S proteasome as a regulator of L-SP activity, which may be controlled by stressful condition. On the other hand, immunoprecipitation experiments with L-SP mAbs showed that another protein might associate with L-SP. This protein was identified as DPE1 (D-enzyme, disproportionating enzyme, 4-alpha-glucanotransferase; EC by LC/MS/MS. DPE1 catalyses the cleavage and transfer reactions involving alpha-1,4 linked glucans and alters the chain length distribution of oligosaccharides. Previous studies suggested that DPE1 might work in conjunction with L-SP. Furthermore, we utilized 2-DE (native PAGE/SDS-PAGE), GST pull-down assay, and confocal microscopy as tools to demonstrate that L-SP might interact with DPE1, suggesting that these enzymes may form protein complexes (SP-DPE complexes). The results from gel-filtration chromatography and 2-DE (native PAGE/SDS-PAGE) indicated that SP-DPE complexes might be composed of four L-SP subunits and four DPE1 subunits with molecular weight around 700 kDa. In addition, protein complex forms of DPE1 showed a higher affinity toward maltotriose and a higher catalytic activity toward maltotetraose than DPE1 monomers. The efficient passage of the product of one enzyme to the next enzyme in SP-DPE complexes was also be observed. Moreover, the protein levels of SP-DPE complexes were shown to become higher in the middle stage of sweet potato root development where starch accumulated fast. These results suggest that SP-DPE complexes may either efficiently recycle short chain malto-oligosaccharides to produce Glc-1-P for starch synthesis, or may specifically edit short-chain amylopectin, thus resulting in the formation of correct starch structure.5292175 bytesapplication/pdfen-US澱粉磷解?蛋白質複合體甘藷塊根Starch PhosphorylaseProtein ComplexesSweet Potato Roots甘藷塊根質體型澱粉磷解?所形成之蛋白質複合體之鑑定與功能研究Identification and Functional Study of Plastidial Starch Phosphorylase Interacting Protein Complexes in Sweet Potato Rootsthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/247590/1/ntu-101-D94b47203-1.pdf