2009-01-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/684215摘要:本研究為探討單種化學藥劑施用與多種化學藥劑複合對代表性盆花壽命之影響,並利用研究成果開發最具潛力之商品配方,且期試用於多種盆花,待完成第一代「盆花保鮮劑」之開發,並提供花農或消費者試用,同時瞭解花農或消費者試用此商品之評價。<br> Abstract: The purpose of this study is finding out the effects of single and complex chemicals on popular potted flowering plants in Taiwan. After making a formula of the most practicable merchandise, it will be tested on the other potted flowers and sampled by the flower growers and consumers, in order to get the real evaluation and efficiency.花朵老化花朵脫落盆花保鮮劑flower agingflower abscissionpotted flowering plantpreservaties「高效盆花保鮮劑之研發」產學合作計畫