2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714926To prepare talent for ″glocal challenges″ in the information era, in 2015, National Taiwan University established the Stanley Wang D-School (henceforth, ″NTU D-School″ or ″D-School″ ), designed to provide a comprehensive, creative and innovative education that cultivates critical thinking for problem-solving through interdisciplinary collaboration. After offering campus-wide design thinking based classes in fall 2015, the Entrepreneurship Program (founded in 2005) merged into the D-School in 2018, followed the next year by the Social Responsibility Program (established in 2014) and reinitiated the NTU Leadership Program in 2019. Transdisciplinary teaching and learning by doing are at the core of the D-School pedagogy through three distinct areas of focus: (1) innovation training, (2) creativity and entrepreneurship program, and (3) place-based social responsibility ("socio-placemaking" ), and (4) leadership program. To facilitate the D-School's pedagogical transformations, Makerspace and NTU Garage provide students with a wide range of hands-on opportunities from product prototyping to start-up development.在創新創業風氣興盛後,臺大覺察學校創新教育的不足,在前校長楊泮池教授及前學術副校長陳良基教授等人的堅持與努力,並加入校友王大壯先生的捐贈,遂於2015年3月24日正式成立創新設計學院,2015年秋季正式開課,更於2018年起將創創學程與D-School合併共同運作,以整合全校創新創業資源,共同建構創新設計的教學課程與跨領域學習環境。 創新設計學院為全台大共有的學院,由校長就本校相關領域教授聘請執行長一名,負責統籌各院的需求成立跨領域的教學與研究的環境;置副執行長若干人,襄助執行長推動並執行業務;設諮詢委員會,由校內外相關領域專家薦請校長聘兼之。 目前學院共有4組,分別為建構創新設計的校內教學課程與學習環境為主的「創新教育組」;建置並執行創新創業學程,提供並扶植校內學生邁進創新創業之路的「創業教育組」;負責建立多元的跨領域學習機制、並媒合校原內外資源以突破大學與社會藩籬的「社會創新教育組」;以及增強並推廣學院對外相關教學課程與活動的「服務推廣組」。Stanley Wang D-School@NTUUniversity College