社會科學院: 國家發展研究所指導教授: 辛炳隆魏靖倫Wei, Jing-LunJing-LunWei2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274674本論文旨要瞭解我國擁有海外打工經驗之在學青年在透過其海外打工經驗與工作價值觀之磨合,對未來選擇海外職涯發展的程度會不會有正向影響。 鑑於此,本研究進行文獻蒐集與分析後認為青年階段對於個體一生職涯發展具有莫大的影響效果,其中打工經驗與工作價值觀的差距與對該次工作的滿意程度為尤其;亦即,當青年前往海外打工後,其工作價值觀與海外企業文化之契合程度,對未來選擇海外職涯發展具正向影響,其中該次工作滿意程度也對青年未來選擇海外職涯發展具有正向影響。 為驗證本論文以上假設,本研究向擁有海外打工經驗之在學學生進行網路問卷發放,並使用敘述性統計、相關分析以及Ordinal logistic regression進行統計分析。本研究亦透過分析結果發現:(1)青年海外打工經驗與工作價值觀之契合對長期職涯發展具有正向影響;(2)工作滿意度在青年海外打工經驗與工作價值觀之契合及長期職涯發展中具有中介效果。The purpose of this thesis is to analyze whether there will be a positive correlation between the adjustment of overseas working holiday experience and working value of Taiwanese teenagers alongside with the degree of their choice to work abroad in the future. Based on this, after organizing and analyzing from various bibliographies, the research indicates that teenage phase has a great impact on career development in their entire life. A significant example will be the gap between part-time work experience and working value alongside with the working satisfaction affect the most. In other words, after their working holiday, the compatibility of their working value and corporate culture alongside with their working satisfaction have a positive correlation toward whether to work abroad or not. In order to ensure the mentioned assumptions above, this research targets students who have working holiday experience, and is conducted via internet-based questionnaires. Descriptive statistics have been implemented together with a clear analysis of correlation, not only that, the ordinal logistic regression has also been clearly analyzed. Based on the analysis, the research also discovered :(1)The experience of young oversea workers and the fits of work values both have positive influence on long-term career development;(2)The job satisfaction has mediated influence on the experience of young oversea workers,the fits of work values and long-term career development.1474424 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2020/8/5論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)海外打工工作價值觀契合工作滿意度職涯發展Working HolidayWorking ValueFitWorking SatisfactionCareer development青年海外打工經驗與工作價值觀之契合對其海外職涯發展之影響The effects of youth overseas working holiday experience and the compatibility of work values on future overseas career developmentthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/274674/1/ntu-104-R02341054-1.pdf