文學院: 圖書資訊學研究所指導教授: 陳書梅黃士軒Huang, Shih-SyuanShih-SyuanHuang2017-03-062018-05-302017-03-062018-05-302015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/276793在臺灣,街友為一社會現象。然而,街友無法有效調節情緒,長期受到負面情緒干擾,造成情緒困擾或心理健康問題。相關研究指出,電影療法施行於具有情緒困擾或心理健康問題之當事者,可協助其增進個人復原力。而針對具有情緒困擾問題的街友,吾人如何篩選具有情緒療癒效用之電影等影視作品,以協助舒緩當事者的負面情緒,從而使街友以正面態度面對問題,實值得進一步探討。 本研究以10位臺北市的男性街友為對象,採用內容分析法、參與觀察法、深度訪談法,探討男性街友的情緒困擾問題類型,以及個別影視作品對街友的情緒療癒效用為何。本研究之目的包含:(一)了解男性街友的情緒困擾問題類型;(二)探討個別影視作品對男性街友的情緒療癒效用;(三)分析個別影視作品對男性街友產生情緒療癒效用的相關因素。 研究結果發現,受訪之男性街友的情緒困擾問題類型包括工作失落、關係失落、健康失落等。本研究中的10部影視作品個別對於受訪的男性街友皆能產生認同、淨化、領悟等情緒療癒效用,而達致情緒療癒效用的因素包括:觀影者與影視作品中的角色人物具有相似性;影視作品中的角色人物其情緒外放;影視作品出現正面因應情緒困擾問題的角色楷模等。 最終,研究者依據研究結果,針對公共圖書館或街友服務單位等社會福利機構提出以下三項建議:(一)依據街友常見之情緒困擾問題,編制情緒療癒影視作品書目;(二)篩選情緒療癒影視作品時,優先將街友的體力、注意力等個人之生理狀態列入考量;(三)公共圖書館與街友服務單位合作,篩選具療癒功效之影視作品,並彈性選擇時間與場地播放影片。The homeless is a social fact in Taiwan. Lack of emotion self-regulation, the homeless might encounter emotional disturbance or mental problems. Some studies indicate that movie therapy (cinemathrapy) can be used to enhance the resilience of people who are emotionally disturbed. However, the emotional healing efficacy of the audiovisual work for the homeless remains to be confirmed. The researcher adopted content analysis, participant observation and in-depth interview to explore the emotional disturbance problem of 10 homeless male interviewees, as well as the emotional healing efficacy of the audiovisual work for the interviewees. The purpose of the study includes: 1) to identify the category of the emotional disturbance problem for the homeless male; 2) to explore the emotional healing efficacy of the audiovisual work for the homeless male; 3) to investigate the healing factors which have influences on the homeless male. According to the findings, the homeless male with emotional disturbance problem frequently encounter loss of occupation, loss of relationship and loss of health. It is also identified that 10 audiovisual works assist the homeless male to go through the emotional healing stages of identification, catharsis and insight. In addition, the factors that affect the emotional healing efficacy include: the similarity of the background between the character and the viewer; the infectious emotional expression of the character in the audiovisual work; the positive problem-solving method employed by the model character. Based on the result of the study, the researcher made the following suggetions for public libraries and homeless service providers: 1) to provide the homeless with bibliographies about the audiovisual work on emotional healing; 2) to consider the physical condition of the homeless in the selection of the audiovisual work on emotional healing; 3) to seek for the collaboration between public libraries and homeless service providers.2169346 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/8/11論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)街友遊民情緒療癒電影療法影視作品發展性書目療法the homelessemotional healingmovie therapycinematherapyaudiovivual workdevelopmental bibliotherapy影視作品的情緒療癒效用研究──以臺北市之男性街友為例A Study on the Emotional Healing Efficacy of the Audiovisual Work: The Case of the Homeless Male in Taipei Citythesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/276793/1/ntu-104-R00126019-1.pdf