臺灣大學: 建築與城鄉研究所林建元黃爾?Huang, Er-HaoEr-HaoHuang2013-03-212018-06-292013-03-212018-06-292012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/249289博物館的型態,從早期以典藏、研究與展覽的功能,逐漸轉向以傳播資訊、重視社區的認同和以觀眾需求為主要的功能導向,如今更成為帶動地方觀光發展、社區參與的角色,同時也作為都市再生與活化的一環。 本研究先整理博物館發展趨勢的相關文獻,再從博物館觀光吸引力理論出發,整合博物館的吸引力構面,除了討論博物館在社區使用、觀光發展與都市再生中扮演的角色,也進一步研究遊客特性與北投溫泉博物館觀光吸引力間的關係。研究中透過問卷調查及統計量化分析方法進行實證研究,除了對北投溫泉博物館吸引力構面做深入的瞭解,也針對遊客參觀動機、遊客社經背景與旅遊特性上進行調查結果與分析。 本研究透過文獻回顧,建構北投溫泉博物館的吸引力特性,將其分為「博物館經營面」、「歷史內涵面」、「實體環境面」、「交通與基礎設施」、和「社區魅力」等五個構面共二十四個因子,供前來參觀的遊客給予個別吸引力因子的評值。調查結果發現遊客評價吸引力因子的重視程度中,前五項依序為「具有日據時代的建築設計風格」、「具有日式庭園造景的特色」、「具有不同室內空間的環境體驗」、「對博物館本身的歷史與文化有更多了解」和「對北投地區的背景有更多了解」,顯示遊客在建築空間環境等實體面,和文化歷史知識面重視的程度較高。遊客參觀動機的注重程度,前三項依序為「放鬆心情」、「交增加家人與朋友間的情感」、和「接觸與體驗新的環境」。此外,無論是遊客參觀動機或吸引力因素,對不同性別、婚姻狀態、年齡分佈、教育程度、職業屬性、月收入與居住地等項目皆存在顯著差異。 整體來說,北投地區鄰近的觀光景點雖然不少,但在參觀人數、地區的代表性與獨特性,和吸引力條件相比下,北投溫泉博物館對於帶動觀光人潮的吸引能力是最顯著。本研究結果指出遊客認為溫博館與社區的互動或作為社區的藝文中心是重要的。研究建議溫博館未來可增加假日活動的舉辦、導覽解說的次數、加強對不同遊客族群的宣傳度,並在旅遊設計行程上可以有更多不同的方案與活動內容,增加遊客每次觀光活動內容的多元性與選擇性,以提高遊客回遊的忠誠度與消費行為。The main function of museum has shifted from collections, research and exhibitions to social communications and formation today. Therefore, the museum not only promotes local tourism development, but also plays a role in the community participation and urban regeneration and revitalization. Through literature review, and based on the museum tourism attraction theory, the contribution of museum in the community, the role of museum in local tourism development and urban regeneration are analyzed. In addition, case study is conducted to identify the relationship between visitors’ characteristics and the tourism attraction of Beitou Hot Spring Museum. The empirical survey is aimed at the Beitou Hot Springs Museum tourists attraction and their relationship with visitors motivation, visitors socio-economic background and travelling characteristics. The attraction of Beitou Hot Springs Museum is divided into Manage Museum Aspect, Historical Connotations Aspect, Physical Environment, Transportations and Infrastructures, and Community Allurement, etc., a total of five dimensions and twenty-four factors. It is found that the top five attractions of Beitou area are Japanese colonial rule architectural design style, the characteristics of Japanese garden landscape, the environment experience with the different interior spaces, to understand more about the history and culture of museum, and to understand the background of Beitou region. It reflects the degree of visitors’ knowledge that the aspects of building environment, culture and history knowledge. In terms of motivation, the top three factors are relaxation, increasing emotions with family and friends, and touch and taste the new environment. On the whole, although Beitou region has many destinations, it is found that the Beitou Hot Springs Museum is the most attractive one. To be more attractive in the future, it is suggested that the Hot Springs Museum should organize more activities during weekends, increase the guidance explain times, and strengthen advertisement level that for different visitor groups so that tourists can have more programs and activates to choose and to pay visit again.5815629 bytesapplication/pdfen-US北投溫泉博物館地方文化館觀光吸引力都市再生遊客參訪動機Beitou Hot Spring MuseumLocal Cultural MuseumTourism AttractionUrban RegenerationTourism Motivation[SDGs]SDG11鏡中桃花源—北投溫泉博物館觀光吸引力之研究The Peach Blossom Spring in the Mirror : Tourism Attractiveness of Beitou Hot Spring Museumthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/249289/1/ntu-101-R98544018-1.pdf