臺灣大學: 土木工程學研究所蔡克銓朱駿魁Chu, Chun-KueiChun-KueiChu2013-04-012018-07-092013-04-012018-07-092010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/255813鋼板剪力牆為一種較新型的抗側力系統,近年來在美加地區已經漸受採用。然而,現有最新之規範對於多樓層鋼板剪力牆邊界梁柱的容量設計並無清楚交代,因此本研究之目的在於研發方便且經濟的多樓層鋼板剪力牆容量設計法。 等效斜撐模型為目前模擬鋼板剪力牆通用的數值模型之一,該模型由於建置方便,在工程上有其實用價值,為了進一步推廣等效斜撐模型之應用,必須確保該模型在任何情形下模擬的精確度。以等效斜撐模型模擬時邊界梁柱上的塑鉸限於發生在端部,未必一定符合實際的情形,因此本研究針對三種高寬比設計一系列設計例進行側推分析至3%側位移角,將PISA3D等效斜撐模型與ABAQUS板殼元素模型的分析結果作比較,觀察到儘管邊界梁柱塑鉸發生在中央,而等效斜撐模型不論在勁度或強度上的模擬精確度乃在適用的範圍。 本研究探討不同邏輯的底層邊界柱容量設計法,探討如何避免底層柱頂塑鉸的產生,並以ABAQUS有限元素模型證實所提設計方法可以有效地避免柱頂塑鉸的發生,而避免側向變形集中在一樓時的軟層現象。 本研究另依照美國Los Angeles地區的反應譜分別設計6層樓、12層樓以及20層樓的鋼板剪力牆建築結構,並用PISA3D建置雙向板條模型進行非線性歷時分析,依SAC計劃20組475年回歸期的地震分析統計結果討論鋼板剪力牆結構在強烈地震下的反應。由構架動力分析反應和所估計的最大靜態需求比較,可以觀察出以下幾個現象: (1) 邊界柱最大軸力需求及鋼板對邊界柱的最大累積拉力需求會隨著樓層位置越低時,靜態估計值有越高估的趨向,。 (2) 鋼板剪力牆邊界梁傳遞至邊界柱的最大剪力在上下鋼板尺寸相同處,靜態估計值會有嚴重低估的情形發生。 (3) 與上一點直接有關,造成鋼板剪力牆邊界梁傳遞至邊界柱的最大累積剪力會隨著樓層位置越低時,靜態估計值有越低估的趨向。Steel Plate Shear Wall (SPSW) has evolved into an effective lateral force resisting system in recent years. However, the capacity design method for the boundary members has not been fully implemented in the model building codes. The purpose of this research is to develop a convenient and reasonable capacity design procedure for the multi-storey SPSW buildings. One of the simplified analytical models for the design of SPSW is the equivalent brace (EB) model as it can be conveniently applied for engineering purposes. In order to further promote the appropriate application of the EB model, it becomes a must to investigate its accuracy for any arbitrary SPSW design cases as the EB model may not be able to capture the actual locations of plastic hinges in the vertical or boundary elements. This research conducts the push-over analysis for several SPSW designs with three different aspect ratios using the EB models, and compares the structural responses obtained from the ABAQUS models using shell elements. It is found that the structural response computed from the EB model works reasonable well up to 3% drift, and even when the plastic hinge has formed at the mid-span of the horizontal or vertical boundary elements in the ABAQUS models. For the purposes of further develop the procedures for a safe and economic design of the first story column, this research proposes a new capacity design method for bottom column which can be applied to avoid the plastic hinge forming at the first story column top. The proposed method is verified using ABAQUS shell element model for six SPSW designs with three different aspect ratios. It is confirmed that the proposed method works well, could prevent the deformation concentration or the weak story to form in 1st story. Finally, following the US seismic design force requirements for SPSW buildings of different stories in Los Angeles, nonlinear response history analyses are conducted in this research using a suite of 20 scaled SAC ground motions on different designs using the PISA3D strip models to investigate the statistical results under the 10/50 level earthquakes. Comparing the dynamic responses with the estimated static maximum demands computed from the static capacity design method, some observations can be summarized as follows: 1. Maximum accumulated panel force contributed to the column axial force is significantly overestimated in lower stories. 2. The dynamic maximum boundary beam end shear can be much greater than the estimated static demand when the panel thicknesses above and below the beam are identical. 3. The maximum accumulated boundary beam end shear may be underestimated in the lower stories.6808636 bytesapplication/pdfen-US鋼板剪力牆多樓層鋼板剪力牆容量設計耐震設計steel plate shear wallmulti-storeycapacity designseismic design多樓層鋼板剪力牆結構耐震分析與設計之研究A study of seismic design and analysis of multi-storey steel plate shear wall buildingsthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/255813/1/ntu-99-R97521215-1.pdf