2023-08-012024-05-15https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/664619結晶後的漿液經常會透過過濾操作,將結晶產物從母液中分離。計畫主持人及其研究團隊對於模擬和優化結晶製程有豐富的經驗,但若要進行整廠優化和經濟最適化,則必須考慮結晶產物粒徑分布對後續過濾操作之影響。然而,要透過結晶產物之粒徑分布預測過濾阻力是十分困難的,因此多數製程是以實驗量測之結晶過濾阻力設計過濾設備之尺寸。不過近年來電腦硬體效率之提升,以及模擬軟體之發展,使得以離散元素法(Discrete Element Method, DEM)預測濾餅孔隙度及過濾阻力更具可行性。 本計畫之目標是使用離散元素法解決結晶製程設計和優化上的一些重要問題:(1)模擬批次式結晶產物之濾餅空隙度和過濾阻力。(2)批次式結晶及過濾製程之整場最適化。(3)連續式結晶及過濾製程之整場最適化。(4)模擬非球狀結晶之濾餅空隙度及過濾阻力。(5)非球狀粒子之批次式結晶和過濾製程整場最適化。本研究有助於提升對結晶及過濾製程最適化之理解,而這對降低化學製程之成本和對環境之衝擊非常重要。學生將會受到動態製程建模、控制和最適化之訓練,而這些領域的知識有助於提升工業界之經濟競爭力。 Crystallization is commonly followed by filtration to separate the solid particles from the slurry. The principle investigator’s research group has experience in modeling and optimizing rystallization processes, but the study of plantwide operability and economic optimization requires consideration of how the crystal size distribution affects the subsequent filtration. Unfortunately, it is difficult to predict filter cake resistance theoretically and most process designs rely on experimental measurement of filter cake resistance. However, recent improvements in computer hardware and software make it feasible to estimate filter cake porosity and resistance using the discrete element method (DEM). The purpose of this project is to apply the discrete element method to solve several important problems in the field of design and optimization of solids processes: (1) modeling of filter cake void fraction and filter cake resistance for batch crystallization processes. (2) optimization of batch crystallization based on combined cost of crystallization and filtration (3) modeling and optimization of continuous processes with crystallization, filtration and recycle considering the effects of the crystallizer design and operation on the filter design and operation (4) modeling of filter cake void fraction and filter cake resistance for non-spherical particles (5) optimization of batch crystallization processes considering crystal shape and filter cake resistance. This research will contribute to the understanding of the operation and optimization of processes with crystallization and filtration, which is important for reducing the cost and environmental impact of chemical manufacturing. Students will receive training in dynamic process modeling, control and optimization which are areas of critical importance for economic competitiveness.離散元素法; 計算流體力學; 結晶; 過濾;discrete element method; computational fluid dynamics; crystallization; filtration國立臺灣大學學術研究生涯發展計畫-桂冠型研究計畫【以離散元素法設計及優化結晶和過濾製程】