社會科學院: 經濟學研究所指導教授: 李顯峰連柏凱Lien, Bo-KaiBo-KaiLien2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275340行政院主計總處所公布資料顯示,2015年台灣的服務業產值達已到10兆4075億元,占GDP比重62.79%,而服務業的就業人口已突破了同一年總就業人口比重的59%,高達660萬人,以上數據顯示服務業逐漸成為台灣經濟命脈的關鍵角色。國際貿易方面,台灣卻始終缺乏國際競爭力,WTO所公布資料顯示,自1998年以來,台灣服務貿易出口占全球比重就一直維持在1%左右,服務貿易出口排名從2000年18名,到2015年已經跌到23名。欲想了解服務產業的競爭力,則必須探討影響服務貿易流量的重要影響因素,因此本研究藉由引力模型對服務貿易總額流量進行實證分析,探討影響服務貿易的關鍵因素,進行各國貿易競爭力的比較並擬定施政方針。 本研究資料為2005年至2013年世界貿易組織WTO (World Trade Organization)所公布之全球服務貿易出口排名的前30名國家之資料分析,再透過模型所計算國家之間服務貿易總流量競爭力指標,此外利用模型進行不同服務業產業比較,包含運輸服務業、通訊電訊服務業、旅遊服務業、金融服務業以及個人及文創業服務之出口總額,並探討所設定模型的解釋能力。本研究的實證結果顯示,國內生產毛額及人均國內生產毛額皆呈正向影響關係;服務貿易進口與服務貿易出口呈正相關;出口國人口、外人直接投資與經濟自由度指標呈現正相關;服務產業結構比例及實質匯率則呈負相關;全球人口以及金融海嘯虛擬變數在模型中皆不顯著。Service sector has gradually become a key role to economy in Taiwan. According to Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan, R.O.C., Taiwan''s service sector output has reached to NT$10.4 trillion in 2015, accounting for 62.79% of GDP. Besides GDP, the employment of services was around 6.6 million and has exceeded 59% of total employment in 2015. However, on international trade, Taiwan still lacks international competitiveness. Based on the World Trade Organization, Taiwan’s share of global trade in services exports has been stuck around 1% since 1998. Furthermore, the rank of Taiwan’s service exports fell from 18 to 23 from 2000 to 2015. To recognize the competitiveness of the service industry, investigating the main factors which affect trade in services flows is relatively important. As a result, this thesis analyzes the total services trade flows through gravity model, discusses on the key factors which affects trade in services, compares the national trade competitiveness, and formulates policy objectives. This thesis ran a regression on export of services among top 30 countries from 2005 to 2013 (based on WTO) and calculated the trade in services competitiveness index between countries through models. In addition, models are applied to compare different kinds of service industry, including transportation services, communication services, travel services, financial services, and personal, cultural, and recreational services. The results indicates that Gross domestic product and Gross domestic product per capita, Trade in services imports, Population of the export countries, Foreign direct investment, Freedom of the world index have significant positive influence on the export flow of trade in services. Industry structure and Real exchange rate have significant negative effect on the export flow of trade in services.2282498 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2021/8/24論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)引力模型服務貿易貿易競爭力世界貿易組織Gravity modelTrade in servicesTrade competitivenessWTO[SDGs]SDG9[SDGs]SDG10臺灣服務貿易競爭力之研究-引力模型之應用International Competitiveness of Trade in Services in Taiwan : A Gravity Approachthesis10.6342/NTU201601367http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/275340/1/ntu-105-R03323024-1.pdf