2004-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/692673摘要:研究斷層帶上圍岩和與斷層相關岩石的種類、分布、性質和成因,以及流體的影響,對於解開地震斷層發震帶的地質材料特性和力學行為、斷層帶上岩石的成因,以及引發地震可能機制有相當大的助益。台灣位於年輕的造山帶上,活動斷層遍布全島,百年來由活動地震斷層所引發的大地震,造成的人員傷亡和財產損失,都讓人怵目驚心,尤其1999年集集大地震的發生,更令人記憶猶新。但過去台灣對於斷層帶上圍岩和與斷層相關岩石的研究,則相當的缺少。1999年車籠埔斷層發生劇烈的逆衝活動,提供了學界從地表露頭至鑽取深井岩芯,研究斷層帶和引發地震可能機制等相關問題的絕佳機會。 本研究計劃預計花兩年的時間,配合台灣車籠埔深鑽計畫,從事詳細岩芯的物理和化學性質,以及微生物取樣分析,以研究車籠埔斷層帶內圍岩和與斷層相關岩石的種類、變形構造、礦物學、岩石學和地球化學,以及流體化學和在極端環境下細菌的種類和生存機制等等。利用的方法包括岩芯產狀觀察、各種顯微鏡(偏光顯微鏡和電子顯微鏡)下岩相學和變形構造的研究,以及各種分析儀器研究斷層帶上各種岩石和流體的成分、主要元素、微量元素、同位素組成和細菌培養分析等。期望計劃完成後,能夠了解此一斷層帶<br> Abstract: Knowledge of the distribution, deformation and genesis of fault-related rocks and fluids within the fault zone are important to understand the characteristics of geological materials and earthquake origin in seismogenetic zone. Taiwan is located in the orogenic belt, which the active faults are widely distributed in this island. Damaged earthquakes, i.e. 1999 Chichi earthquake, occurred frequently in past hundreds years and caused vest amounts people death and properties lost. However, the researches were scarce in Taiwan for those topics. The Chelungpu thrust fault moved in 1999 provides a good opportunity to study the characteristics and origins of fault-related rocks and seismogenetic zones from the surface outcrops to subsurface drilling cores. This project is planning to spend two years for measuring physical and chemical properties as well as microbiologic analyses in core materials in matching for the Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project (TCDP). The purpose are to understand the changes of the physical and chemical properties accompanying the earthquake cycle in the fault zone as well as fluid roles in large displacement of thrust fault. Meanwhile, collect the materials for culturing bacteria to the insight on distribution, community structure and metabolic functions for microbial communities, diversity of functional genes, in-situ microbial activities, substrata flux across lithologic units and fracture system and isotopic signatures of sulfur-related compounds preserved in geological materials and pore water, and interaction between microbes and geological materials along a depth profile in an accretionary wedge. The methods use in this project including optical, scanning and transmitted electron microscopy (OM, SEM, TEM), X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF), ion chromatography (IC), gas spectrometry (GC) and inductivity coupled atomic-emission and plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-AES and ICP-MS) and so on.車籠埔斷層鑽井岩芯剪切帶斷層岩石發震帶微生物Chelungpu faultdrilling coresshear zonefault-related rocksseismogenetic zonemicrobiology台灣車籠埔斷層鑽井整合型計畫--台灣車籠埔鑽井岩芯和流体的物理,化學性質和微生物(一)