工學院: 材料科學與工程學研究所指導教授: 韋文誠范乃中Fan, Nai-ChungNai-ChungFan2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273167本研究利用前陶瓷/高分子配料技術,選擇兩種α相與θ相氧化鋁粉,經捏練、擠出後,製造出可以直接餵料之線材,用於3D積層列印機。本論文可以分成四個部分,第一部份為胚料成分設計,其中除了聚丙烯(Polypropylene, PP)作為主要黏結劑外,添加不同濃度之乙烯醋酸(Ethylene-vinyl Acetate, EVA),以增加胚料之生胚撓曲性,減少陶瓷胚料線材在列印過程中斷裂情形;第二則是在PP與EVA間相容性上,藉由馬來酸酐(Maleic Anhydride, MA)接枝PP之分子鏈,使兩高分子極性接近,以達相容;第三部分則是對胚料中陶瓷粉體分散均勻性做定量分析,並探討和實驗變因間之關係,使後續燒結製程中,α氧化鋁元件的相對密度可達97%以上緻密性;最後,將θ氧化鋁胚料做為催化載體,經適當改良設計,利用浸鍍法,將鎳參雜氧化鈰奈米顆粒之複合型催化劑均勻鍍在氧化鋁多孔載體上,進行生質燃料之氣化重整。因合成燃氣內會含有甲烷,本研究之催化載體用於重整反應後,甲烷在合成氣(syngas)中含量可降至1.0體積分率(vol%)以下。This research used previous formulation technique of ceramic/polymers, selecting two Al2O3 powders (α- and θ-Al2O3), kneading of several polymers with the ceramic powder, and extruding to produce various feedstocks of wire shape, which was used for 3D additive manufacturing, also known as 3D-printing (3DP). Four tasks were completed. First, the formulation of the feedstocks was conducted using PP as the major binder, replaced with some fractions of EVA, to improve the flexibility of the wires and reduce the chance of the fracture of the wire during 3D printing. The compatibility of PP and EVA was also investigated by grafting maleic acid (MA) on PP chain to reduce polarity difference between PP and EVA. The third task was to study the dispersion condition of the alumina powder in the feedstocks, and quantitatively investigated the influence by kneading sequences, solid content, and other processing parameters. After optimizing the processing conditions, the alumina parts could be densified to a density better than 97% theoretical density (T.D.). Finally, θ-Al2O3 feedstock was used to produce porous catalyst support. Ni-CeO2 nano-particles were evenly coated on the Al2O3 support, used to reform syngas. The CH4 in the syngas, which was gasified from biomass, was reformed to a content less than 1.0 vol% in optimized conditions.6264713 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/2/16論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)積層製造氧化鋁胚料分散指數合成氣重整additive manufacturingAl2O3feedstockdispersive indexsyngasreforming積層製造使用之陶瓷胚料合成及應用研究Synthesis and Application of Ceramic Feedstocks for Additive Manufacturingthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/273167/1/ntu-105-R02527052-1.pdf