2006-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/691698摘要:本計畫的主旨在於探討和建立優質科教影片的製作模式,計畫的執行重點如 下:在編導製作方面,建立核心製作群,組成科學內容和影片製作兩大諮詢團 隊;在國際合作方面,我們將與國際前沿科學研究單位合作,以獲取豐富的科學 內涵,我們同時也將與國際知名媒體單位合作,以獲得優質科學教育影片製作經 驗;在人才培育方面,我們希望藉著這一系列包含三個不同領域的影片製作過 程,訓練兼具科學背景及媒體素養的年輕製作團隊,使得團隊成員未來可獨當一 面,自行規劃製作科教影片。 由電視頻道播出的科學教育影片,對一般大眾及各級學校學生的影響深遠, 科教效果宏大。尤其經過精心製作的優質科學教育影片,可以在學校、圖書館、 網路、手機,及電視重播的過程中造成長時間的後續影響。雖然製作科學教育影 片的投資甚大,但就社會教育及科普推廣而言,在整體民眾科學素質的提升上, 有無可取代的效果。然而國內影片製作環境尚未成熟,傳播公司數量雖多,但素 質良莠不齊,製作科學教育影片的能力和意願也有極大差異。我們因此提案申請 國科會補助,進行一項為期二年的科學教育影片製作計畫,希望藉著製作優質科 學教育影片的過程,在編導製作、國際合作,以及人才培育等三個面向的研究發 展過程中做出範例,並將心得及經驗彙整,以供有意願製作科學影片的傳播公司 參考。 <br> Abstract: The purpose of this proposed project is to study and establish the production modes of superb science education films. The project emphasizes upon the following 3 aspects: (i) Production: we will put together a core production group, form the two consulting committees on scientific content as well as the film production; (ii) International collaboration: we will collaborate with the frontier research agencies to obtain the updated scientific content, and will also collaborate with the international media to acquire the experience of film making; and (iii) team member development: the production of this series will allow the training of a production team of young people so that these team members will be able to produce their own programs in the future. Science education series broadcasted on TV poses substantial influence on students and on the general public. Superb production of TV series can also be stored and used in libraries and schools. Even though the investment of film making is huge, the subsequent positive feedback is invaluable and irreplaceable. However, the production environment in Taiwan is still far from being mature. The capability and production quality of local production companies differ drastically. We thus propose to carry out a 2-year program producing a TV series. We hope that based on the experiences learned in the production processes, we can establish paradigms on (i) production, (ii) international collaboration, and (iii) team development, for the reference of companies that will produce scientific education films in the future. Thus the final outcome of this project will be two-folded: the first one being the TV series that we will broadcast on the local TV network, the second being the experience and knowledge learned in the processes which will be edited and published for future reference. The theme of this TV series is “The Great Nature” and focuses on the following 3 areas: Astronomy, Oceanography, and Space Sciences. These series will include the knowledge of our natural environment, the precious documentary from previous years, and the on-site filming of the advanced research organization. In the first year of the production, we will interview professors and scholars in each field for the most advanced questions and knowledge of that field. The interview will be reviewed by the core production group to extract valuable information, interesting stories, and overall central themes of the films. In the second year, the actual production will be carried out, domestically and internationally. At the completion of the series, we will broadcast it on local and international TV channels.科學教育影片科教影片製作模式媒體科教人才培育Science Education FilmsProduction mode of scientific film makingteam大自然—天文、海洋、太空科學影片拍攝計畫(1/2)