2015-09-042024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/658997摘要:目前台灣西部養蚵地區,收成時均仰賴一種三輪式俗稱蚵車之車輛,自海邊將成籃或成袋之蚵類運送至海港市區。蚵車目前約有三四百台,以彰化王功為例,保守估計也超過百輛。蚵車一般都是由當地之小型工廠打造,該種車輛有較長時間行駛在水域,海水之鹽分會縮短車輛機件正常的使用壽命,若忽略所需之例行維修保養,蚵車很容易故障,車輛一旦故障,相形之下就是蚵農無法及時載運、錯失販賣商機的損失。因此,本計畫之目標係針對目前蚵車之安全性進行評估,並草擬一份蚵車管理辦法,規範蚵車之使用。其實施方法為:1.根據農委會農糧署之「農地搬運車規格範圍」及農業試驗所之「農地搬運車性能測定方法及暫行基準」,擇若干重要項目調查或測試目前蚵車能否達到規定,藉以評估蚵車之安全性;2.參考坊間現有之其他車輛或機具使用的管理辦法、規定或條例,草擬蚵車適用之管理辦法,包括例行維修保養時機、車輛行走範圍等自主管理項目之規畫。本計畫之預期效益為:1.根據「農地搬運車規格範圍」及「農地搬運車性能測定方法及暫行基準」進行蚵車之測試,可瞭解該種車輛是否符合上述規定,同時可針對現有蚵車之缺失,提出改進之方案;2.適當之管理辦法能使蚵車維持正常之運轉,延長車輛使用之期限。而規範蚵車於一定道路行駛,也能保障蚵農及一般民眾之安全。<br> Abstract: Oyster culture is a very important aquatic product along the west coast of Mid- and South Taiwan. The harvested Oysters must be transported to the township by means of a vehicle which similar to a tricycle. We call this traditional vehicle oyster transporter. The technique of manufacture for this kind of vehicle is dependent on experienced workers. Old masters instructed young apprentices orally without regular design drawing or blueprint, list of parts and unified specification. Therefore, the purposes and expected benefits of this project are: 1) Oyster transporters are tested by some of the important and feasible items written on the regulation of “Specifications and ranges of agricultural transporters” announced by Agriculture and Food Agency of Council of Agriculture as well as “Performance testing and temporary standard or agricultural transporters” published by Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute. After testing it is known whether present oyster transporters meet the requirements for safety. In addition, how to improve the shortcomings of these transporters will also be submitted. 2) A suitable management approach will be made according to the existing available methods, regulations or rules for other vehicles, machines, equipments or facilities. Proper administration, regular maintenance and specified road for oyster transporters should be included in this management articles.蚵車安全性評估管理辦法規畫Oyster tranporterSafety assessmentManagement planning彰化縣蚵車規格安全及可行性評估