2012-03-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/684206摘要:隨著地球暖化問題日益嚴重,因應氣候變遷之節能減碳,秉持「健康、效率、永續經營」的農業施政方針,以「低風險、低碳排、新商機」為願景,開創低耗能、低碳排的綠金新商機,發展節能、低碳排之電動農機是刻不容緩。本年度研究計畫將透過所建立之除草/噴霧最佳操作條件,進行規畫最佳之電動馬達規格與直驅機構輕量化設計,以高性能之嵌入式控制晶片實現馬達最加省能控制,並透過最佳能源管理策略,達到高續航力之小型電動農機的目標,建立發展一具低成本、高性能與高節能減碳之小型電動農機的核心技術。<br> Abstract: In response to the growing problem of global warming and climate change, energy conservation and carbon reduction have become an inevitable issue. To uphold the "health, efficiency, sustainable" agricultural policy objectives and to open a vision of "low risk, low carbon, new business opportunities", development of energy efficiency and low emission of power is imperative for agricultural machinery. The project is focused on the development of a small electric agricultural machinery, such as handheld weeding / spraying machine as the goal, through the establishment the best operating conditions of weed / spray, then used for planning the best specifications of electric motor design and transmission mechanism. Then high performance embedded microcontroller is used to realize the motor control in the way to optimize the energy consumption of the motor and weeding / spraying performance. The operation time can be maximized by an intelligent energy management strategy. With this project the core technology can be established for a low-cost, high performance and high energy efficiency and carbon reduction for small electric agricultural machinery.節能減碳電動農機電動除草機電動噴霧機Energy Conservation and Carbon ReductionElectric Agricultural MachineryElectric Weeding MachineElectric Spraying Machine農業機械與自動化研究-電動小型農機-除草機/噴藥機之研發