管理學院: 資訊管理學研究所指導教授: 李瑞庭許惇子Hsu, Tun-TzuTun-TzuHsu2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275865Uber創立於2010年,藉由創新的資訊科技提供計程車接送服務,近年來,它所提供的計程車接送服務快速成長。然而,當引進一項創新服務時,服務供應商必須面對既有法規的限制與既有服務提供廠商的抗議(環境不確性因子),另一方面,既有服務提供廠商所提供的服務品質參差不齊(品質不確性因子)。因此,在本篇論文中,我們提出一個模型探討兩個不對稱平台之間的競爭情形。顧客將受到科技接受程度及環境與品質不確性因子影響其決策,而平台則因應顧客的偏好程度調整服務品質、在考慮市場競爭程度之下做出最佳的決策。延續過去文獻所探討之平台競爭,我們加入了科技接受程度高低為考量因子,發現在市場競爭激烈的情況下,顧客的科技接受程度低則Uber獲利較高;若市場競爭不激烈,顧客的科技接受程度愈高,Uber的獲利愈高。此外,我們考量引進創新服務時可能遇到的環境不確定因子、與傳統服務可能產生服務品質參差不齊的不確定因子,發現決定哪家平台獲利較高的因素來自於科技接受程度與兩項不確定因子的綜合效應。當顧客的科技接受程度低時,若兩項不確定因子的綜合效應越接近於零,兩家平台的獲利越高;當顧客的科技接受程度高時,若綜合效應越高,兩家平台的獲利越高。本研究的成果可以提供平台在推行創新服務時,在市場中獲利的策略洞見。Taxicab Uber, launched in 2010, has expanded its taxicab services rapidly by using innovative information technology. In the early stage of introducing an innovative service, the service provider may need to face challenges from the existing legal restrictions and the protests from those who have provided similar services (environment uncertainty). In addition, the service quality provided by conventional taxis may fluctuate trip by trip (quality uncertainty). Therefore, in this thesis, we propose a model to analyze how the Uber and conventional taxicab service platforms are affected by customer’s preference toward quality of service, the degree of accepting innovative information technology, and the uncertainties of environment and quality. Our results show that Uber earns more profit when the competition of market is intense (weak) and the technology acceptance is low (high). Under the uncertainties, which platform is more profitable is decided by trading off the advantage in degree of technology acceptance and the advantage in uncertainties. When the degree of technology acceptance is low, both platforms can earn more profit if the combined effect of the environment and quality uncertainties gets closer to zero. On the other hand, they can earn more profit if the combined effect gets higher when the degree of technology acceptance is high. The analytical results can provide some strategic insights for platforms and help them formulate competitive strategies to earn more profit.1449962 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2020/8/16論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)競爭模型計程車接送服務平台Uber科技接受程度不確定因子Competitive modeltaxicab service platformtechnology acceptanceuncertaintyUber與傳統計程車服務平台之競爭模型A Competitive Model for Uber and Conventional Taxicab Service Platformsthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/275865/1/ntu-104-R02725058-1.pdf