理學院: 地理環境資源學研究所指導教授: 林楨家廖敬而Liaw, AngusAngusLiaw2017-03-022018-06-282017-03-022018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/272949現今都會區大量使用機動運具所導致的交通、環境問題,已成為全球共同面臨的困境。因此以永續發展為主軸的「綠色運輸」發展觀念,已逐漸為都市運輸規劃所提倡。其中,自行車除了有助於改善上述環境問題,在全球城市觀光、慢活的風氣下,其適宜的騎乘速度、高機動性以及無年齡限制等優勢,使自行車不再僅只於運輸工具,更帶起新興遊憩形式的風潮。現今雖將建置自行車道認定為鼓勵自行車使用的重要條件,然而自行車道路網規劃在實務上的現況,多屬經驗評估及原則性指導,缺乏客觀有系統的分析方法,且先前都市地區的自行車道路網規劃也多以運輸目的的需求為考量,對於遊憩型自行車道路網的研究相當缺乏。 本研究目的在於建立符合都市內遊憩需求的自行車道路網規劃模式。研究初期透過文獻回顧歸納出過往自行車道佈設之準則,以及遊憩自行車使用者的考量因素,作為模式構想之參考依據;接著藉由個案專訪,訪談設計模式過程中涉及之不同重要關係人-規劃者、遊憩型自行車使用者以及非自行車使用者,以釐清決策問題與內容,再透過數學規劃方法建構模式。模式決策事項包含建置自行車道的路段、車道類型、車道數目以及各騎乘路徑的旅次分派比例,模式設計為非線性多目標混合整數規劃問題;模式目標式有四:自行車道路網所串連之重要旅次吸引點數量最大化、騎乘舒適度最大化、騎乘風險性最小化,以及對既有交通影響最小化;模式限制式則有成本、路網連續性以及路段容量等限制條件。 本研究使用ε-限制式法作為規劃模式求解方法,並且選用軟體Lingo 13版的Global solver進行求解演算。最後以臺北市大安區進行實例分析,可求得9項非劣解集做為規劃方案之參考,並對影響模式結果的參數進行情境分析,評估當總規劃預算成本以及旅運需求兩項考量因素改變時對模式規劃結果的影響。結果顯示總預算成本的增加無法同時使所有規劃目標趨向較佳表現,而當旅運需求量成長200%或300%時,對所有規劃目標有較佳且均衡的改善程度,意即規劃者若考量未來旅運需求的成長,會得到較好的規劃方案。 本研究所建構的規劃模式是文獻上第一個針對都市遊憩自行車需求所發展的自行車道路網設計問題,也嘗試於模式中處理旅運需求的問題。研究成果可提供規劃者進行都市空間中遊憩型自行車道路網規劃,研究過程亦能瞭解都市遊憩型自行車使用者的考量偏好,並能補足自行車道在路網設計研究上的學術缺口。同時,模式操作及分析過程亦可供日後其他地區應用模式時之參考。Providing bikeways is an effective way to improve not only riding safety but also continuous usage intention for cyclists. In recent years, bicycle city tours, which emphasize “the healthy, slow movement”, have become a new fashion lifestyle. This study proposes a bikeway network design model for recreational bicycling in urban areas. In consideration of users, non-users and planners’ experiences and preferences, the model objectives are to maximize covered attractions, maximize cycling comfort, minimize bicycling risk, and minimize the effects of bikeways on existing traffic. The model constraints are bikeway types, monetary budgets, the continuity of bikeway network, value ranges of decision variables, capacity restraint of bikeways, and flow conservations of nodes. The decisions in the model include: which road links are well suited to set bikeway, what kind of bikeway type should we set, how wide should the bikeway be, and how many travel demands are assigned to each bikeway link. The proposed model is designed as a non-linear, multi-objective and mixed integer programming problem, and the ε-constraint method was used to solve the problem for the case study. The software of Lingo 13 Global Solver was used to conduct the process of ε-constraint method. A case study in Da-an District of the Taipei City is illustrated to verify the model’s applicability and effectiveness, and totally nine non-dominated alternatives were generated. Finally, the scenarios analyses concluded that the increasing of the construction and maintaining budges cannot generally elevate all the objectives in any scenarios, but the growing of travel demands between 200% and 300% can generally reach better performances than the scenarios while maintaining the original travel demands. It suggests that a planner should consider the growing utilization ratio in the future but not the existing one when developing a bikeway network plan. The proposed model is the first bikeway network design model for recreational bicycling in urban areas with the consideration of travel demands; and, these were never valued in related literatures before. The model will also assist bikeway planners to develop alternatives more efficient, systematical, and close to real life situation.7746304 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2019/7/26論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)自行車道路網設計問題都市遊憩多目標混合整數規劃ε-限制式法bikewaynetwork design problemurban recreationmulti-objective mixed integer programming problemε-constraint method都市遊憩型自行車道路網規劃模式Developing A Bikeway Network Design Model for Recreational Bicycling in Urban Areasthesis10.6342/NTU201601181http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/272949/1/ntu-105-R03228007-1.pdf