2017-01-012024-05-15https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/666108摘要:近斷層地震紀錄最大特徵為在地表速度歷時訊號中有速度脈衝存在,此現象已在具災害性的幾場地震,例如1994年美國北嶺地震,1995年日本神戶地震,1999年臺灣集集地震中,屢屢被觀測到。結構被動控制系統的性能優越,可協助結構物抵禦近斷層地震侵害,然而過去因為對近斷層地震的定義,並無定量上的描述,再加上地表加速度歷時的資料不若現在豐富,導致相關研究多數集中於隔減震結構物受零星近斷層地震紀錄作用之動力分析結果之觀察與討論,無法將近斷層地震紀錄之速度脈衝對被動控制系統隔減震效益之影響有系統、定量的建立起來。同時由於近斷層地震紀錄之位移及速度需求,往往超過地震模擬振動台之性能所能及,亦使此類型之實驗研究相對缺乏。 本研究將利用新近國外對近斷層地震紀錄特性之研究成果,規劃一系列動力分析,定量的評估結構週期與近斷層地震紀錄之速度脈衝週期之比值對黏性阻尼系統及鉛心橡膠支承墊隔減震效益之影響,並依據分析所建立之理論關係規劃振動台試驗,印證分析研究所得之成果。 <br> Abstract: Passive control systems, including energy dissipation systems and base isolation systems, can effectively reduce the seismic demands of structures and protect them from damage. However, the effectiveness of the systems is not entirely independent from the dynamic characteristics of ground motions and may be challenged by long-period velocity pulses in near-fault ground motions. The major focus of this project is to clarify the impact of the characteristics of near-fault ground motions on the effectiveness of passive control systems, particularly, viscous dampers and lead rubber bearings (LRBs). This proposal includes a three-year plan. In the first year, a series of response-history analyses will be conducted using single degree-of-systems (SDOF) with periods varying between 0.2 and 5 seconds and damping ratios between 5% and 50% and subjected to fault-normal components of 91 sets of near-fault ground motions. The effectiveness of damping in reducing seismic demands from near-fault motions will be discussed and a model will be developed to describe their relationship. In the second year, shake table tests for two SDOF systems equipped with viscous dampers and subjected to near-fault ground motions will be conducted to verify the observations and model developed in the first year of this project. In the last year, shake table tests for two LRB systems with and without viscous dampers and also subjected to near-fault ground motions will be conducted to study the impact of near-fault motions on the effectiveness of LRB systems.近斷層地震速度脈衝被動控制黏性阻尼器鉛心橡膠支承墊near-fault ground motionvelocity pulsepassive controlviscous damperlead rubber bearing學術研究生涯發展計畫-桂冠型研究計畫【近斷層地震對隔減震系統耐震效益之影響研究】