2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714792The Japanese Government founded National Taiwan University in 1928 under the name of "Taihaku Imperial University". Upon the restoration of Taiwan to the Republic of China after the Second World War, the Government took over Taihaku Imperial University and renamed it as "National Taiwan University" on November 15, 1945. In 1964, the master degree was initiated and the deparment was subdivided into Silviculture, Forest Management, Forest Industry and Forest Botany in 1967. In 1974, the Ph.D., program was added. The subdivision of Forest Botany was renamed as Resource Conservation in 1987 and subdivision of Forest Management was renamed as Resource Management in 1991. In response to the global change of forestry education and the trend of environmental conservation, the department changed the name into "School of Forestry and Resource Conservation" in 2003 and devided the program into four divisions as Forest Biology, Forest Environment, Biology Material, and Forest Conservation and Management. Academic Activities Seminars and symposia are conducted on a non-periodical basis. Scholars and other specialists from abroad may be invited to attend such meetings to exchange ideas and information on the latest developments in forestry research and technology. School of Forestry and Resource Conservation publishes the Journal of the NTU Experimental Forest and other cooperative research reports. Each year, School of Forestry and Resource Conservation receives a total of about 20 research grants from the National Science Council, the Council of Agriculture, the Forestry Bureau, the Tourism Bureau and other governmental agencies.森林環境暨資源學系(前稱森林學系,以下簡稱本系)之前身為1922年改制之「臺灣總督府高等農林學校」森林科,以培育高等林業技術人才為創始目的。1928年臺北帝國大學成立,合併高等農林學校,成立附屬農林專門部。1945年臺灣光復,我國政府接收臺北帝國大學,改稱國立臺灣大學。省政府當局鑒於森林資源與林業經營之重要,對於林業人才之培育實有迫切需要,乃與臺灣大學研商籌設森林學系,經校方同意,即呈報教育部請准設立。1947年暑期開始招收新生,初設造林學及森林利用二個研究室。1949年傅斯年校長就職,本系系主任朱惠方教授深感我國應仿效德、日等林業先進國家設置實驗林,並因之前日本東京帝國大學附屬臺灣演習林地理條件優越、具有熱、寒、溫、寒等垂直森林帶,因此極力向傅斯年校長爭取設置實驗林,在傅校長及朱系主任多方奔走下,本校之實驗林管理處順利於1949年7月1日在南投縣竹山鎮設立。 1964年,本系新設研究所碩士班並依育林組、森林經理組、林產組、樹木組四組開始招生。1967年,大學部亦開始實施分組招生,即育林組、森林經營組、森林工業組、森林植物組等四組,為當時本校分組最多之學系。此一階段之分組,實為將森林研究提升為森林學院之基礎。1974年,本系所成立博士班,爰成為臺灣最為完整的林業高等教育學制系統。1987年為因應時代需求,研究所之樹木組及大學部之森林植物組,改稱森林資源保育組,1991年大學部之森林經營組,改稱資源管理組。 近年來國內外大學教育著重整合,培養專業全才,本系分組教學以致學習效果不完整,不符現代整合趨勢。因此,有鑑於此,本系擬透過課程調整,取消分組並更改系名,以使本系之教學目標能配合環境所需。 本系未來將本系提供多樣性之必修及選修課程,其中包含基礎理論、專業應用、與研究方法等不同方面以森林生物、森林環境、生物材料,以及資源保育與管理之理論與實用技術,以系統分析的方式開創永續發展之森林生物、環境、生物材料及資源保育管理等各領域之科技,落實自然資源、生態保育及生物科技發展於多元穩固之基石。Forestry and Resource ConservationAcademic Institute