2011-03-012024-05-15https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/661931摘要:物種因現今人類的運輸便利以及國際之間經濟貿易的交流,造成許多生物經由直接引進或間接攜帶的方式,出現於非原本分布的自然區域。如果該物種在引入地區的自然區域或半自然生態環境中建立穩定族群,進而改變或威脅原生生物多樣性,則成為引入地區的入侵種。埃及聖&#40558; (Threskiornis aethiopica),分類上屬於朱鷺亞科,原生於埃及、非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南、東非、衣索匹亞至南非以及伊拉克東南方等地,常因動物園而引入至世界各地,但由於不當的管理方式使其容易逃逸至野外。埃及聖&#40558;的環境適應能力強,可利用之棲地非常多樣性,在許多引入地已成為頗具威脅性的入侵種。目前埃及聖&#40558;於臺灣地區之情形,其族群已由原本逸出的發現地臺北、宜蘭逐漸往南擴散至新竹、桃園、彰化以及嘉義等濕地 (目前全台族群約為500隻)。因濕地環境是目前臺灣水鳥的主要棲息地與許多的重要保護區所在,所以有必要對埃及聖&#40558;族群成長模式及移除方法進行研究。本年度研究方法包含:(一)全台族群數量普查,一季一次,共4次;(二)試驗噴油處理對聖&#40558;巢蛋孵化率的影響,取得最佳噴油處理時間。並製作相關過程之影片,以供日後操作人員參考。<br> Abstract: Sacred Ibis originated in Africa and the Middle East. It is a commonly kept bird in zoos across Europe and Asia. In Europe there have already records of birds escaped from the cages and breed in large numbers in the wild. It was in year 1984 when the first Sacred Ibis individual in the wild was recorded in Guandu, Taipei. Since then, the Sacred Ibis populations had spread to the various coastal wetlands across many cities and counties in the western Taiwan. Furthermore, there are also records of clustering breeding in this species. Therefore they are now regarded as an invasive species in Taiwan. The population surveys of Sacred Ibis were carried out twice each during the breeding and non-breeding seasons in year 2009 across various counties and cities in western Taiwan as well as at major estuaries in Yilan County. Furthermore, behavioral monitoring and reproductive analysis were carried out in Guandu area. We have found record of Sacred Ibis in Taipei, Hsinchu, Miaoli, Taichung, Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan. The population size is estimated to be between 500-600 individuals. In Guandu of Taipei and Nanliao of Hsinchu it is confirmed that there are breeding and nesting colonies while in Guandu wetlands of Taichung county as well as in Houlong-Xikou of Miaoli County there are records of joint feeding of adult birds with juvenile birds who had just left their nests, indicating that nesting clusters possibly occur in the Central area of Taiwan. Research methods during this year included: (a) the number of Sacred Ibis in Taiwan`s population, estimate 4 times in this year; (b) Testing the hatching success rate by used egg oil in different date, and calculate the best operation time. And we will make a video film to explain our processes.埃及聖&#40558族群成長繁殖巢區生殖成功Sacred Ibispopulation growthbreeding areabreeding success入侵種埃及聖&#40558;族群模式與移除方法之研究(3/3)