外科TSENG, JEN-HOJEN-HOTSENGKAO, MING-CHIENMING-CHIENKAO2009-01-082018-07-112009-01-082018-07-112001http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/96234A right sided endoscopic retroperitoneal lumbar sympathectomy was performed on a 23 year old female who had plantar hyperhidrosis. After the operation, the right foot temperature increased and the plantar hyperhidrosis was relieved. During the follow up period, both feet were warm and dry, although only the right side lumbar sympathectomy had been performed. The outcome appeared to be compatible with that of an open procedure but with minimal invasiveness . (C) 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd .en-USendoscopyretroperitoneal approachhyperhidrosisPALMAR HYPERHIDROSISEndoscopic Extraperitoneal Lumbar Sympathectomy for Plantar Hyperhidrosis : Case Reportjournal article